Monday, December 21, 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Semenjak pemerintahan sendiri dalam tahun 1955 serta PRU pertama untuk memilih Majlis Perundangan dan parti pemerintah menang 51 kerusi dari 52 kerusi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Pada 31 Ogos tahun 1957 PTM diberikan kemerdekaan dan Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi sebahagian Malaysia, pada tahun 1963 negara ini diperintah oleh kerajaan yang sama Perikatan dan kemudiannya BN. Alhamdulillah ada kesinambungan untuk sekian lama.

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Hari ini saya khuatir memerhatikan dunia yang penuh dengan maklumat dan apa yang dikatakan fakta. Walaupun begitu ia tidak menceritakan kebenaran tetapi bersandarkan maklumat yang kita tidak tahu kesahihannya tetapi membuat bermacam2 andaian dan analisis terhadapnya yang selalu tidak tepat tetapi mempengaruhi pemikiran orang lain. Ramai juga dari kalangan kita termasuk mereka yang berkuasa yang tidak memahami bidang kuasa dan pembahagian kuasa. Kita cepat berkata dan hujah. Huru hara bila pandangan dan rumusan menyusahkan pihak pemerintah. Ia jadi cakapan sinis dan sendaan golongan yang sememangnya mencari bahan untuk memperkecil dan merendahkan golongan memerintah. Justeru lebih baik mendengar sebelum berkata dan menyemak sebelum bertelaah... Supaya pemimpin dan kerajaan disegani dan dihormati...

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015 on International Conference in AMU

Recently on 17th December, I was invited to deliver a keynote address in an international Conference on Reconfiguring Interfaith and Intra-faith Understanding organised by Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). The university was founded two centuries ago by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Currently AMU has a student population of thirty thousand, mostly staying in the campus. When AMU was established it was intended to provide modern education for Muslim students in India who were pre-independent at a disadvantage. Now AMU has become one of the top two universities in India and producing good graduates for first degree, masters and PhDs. The participants were academicians, scholars, students, researchers and ulama' representing different sects and religions. The panelists consisted of Christian, Hindu, Muslim academicians and an ulama'. 

They have a deep understanding of Islam and thus the discourse by panelists and participants were lively and eloquent. Emotional at times but generally rational in putting across their points of view. In the afternoon till the evening we debated the topic entitled rebuilding the house of Islam taking into account of the current challenges faced by Islam and its Ummah. We hope we can contribute to the existing corpus of knowledge to create understanding and cooperation based on unity in diversity and multiculturalism. For me, I believe we should hold on to the Islamic saying; "seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave".

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Sightseeing in India

India is indeed a land of contrasts...Civilizations and greatness. The Islamic and the ancient Hindu civilizations... All intermingle in the inter and intrafaiths paradox and contradictions. It has freedom as well as intolerance.. Harmony and extremism occupying the same space. Nationalism of ethnicity and religiosity..The divide and unite. Poverty and wealth living side by side. There are stories of love and romance. There is hate and violence..Every corner and small area is occupied for human beings to survive.... This is the land of the survivors where humans, animals...walk without care side by side. I see pigs scavenged for food together with the cows and buffaloes among the heap of rubbish. The agricultural products sold in abundance by the street enticing and freshening... The fertile soil housed plenty of the best agricultural products..Cuisines and spices that's satisfying for all pallets.The highways and streets have all kinds of vehicles...from bicycles, trishaws of all kinds and shapes.. Toot-toot of all sizes squeezing through the streets even to the highways they are not supposed to...all carry more passengers than they are allowed to.., cars of all kinds squeeze in and out for its destinations competing with other vehicles and humans. Indeed its a wonder. Law and lawlessness. Everyone survives and reach their destinations. Plenty of interactions and intellectualism...its fascinating and bewildering... Vibrant with eloquence and sadness... Finally amidst all these its a wonderful country and awesome in all respects...I enjoyed the discourse and participated actively in it for two solid days. I learned and experienced.. The warmth and friendliness... The care and uncaring...India .... is emerging as another superpower...

FBSHApost@21 November 2015

FBSHApost@3 December 2015

This week I had been busy with so many activities from SPAD to briefing the IHRC OF OIC on Rohingya's status n position pre and post GE in Myanmar. Then I attended a meeting of IHRA on HSR IN Tokyo. After which I took two days break to watch the changing of the colour of the Ginko leaves, before going to China to attend the 3rd AGM of APRC and participating in a forum jointly organised by APRC and the CPIFRA on the theme of ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD INITIATIVES by China or in short reviving the old silk road, maritime, road and rail links and connectivity to cover West Asia, Eurasia, Africa and Europe as well as the Indian Ocean states for what is promoted as an objective for shared prosperity, peace and cooperation of diverse nations for mutual benefits. Busy busy amidst so many problems on the PT fronts from fares to bus routes to taxis and competitions...fair or unfair. Much more needed to be done on PT on the domestic fronts. Definitely there are also many challenges and opportunities in the turmoil and uncertain international sphere.. We can console ourselves by saying these are the spices of life. Nonetheless we need to work together in harmony and unity for a better tomorrow for our children and future generation. It is satisfying to argue from the pedestal of knowledge rather than ignorance.

FBSHApost@3 December 2015


Whenever I have the opportunity to visit a foreign country or meet people from other countries, there are many things that I see and observe. People and countries are the wonders of creation. Different people, cultures, religions and colours. Added to these the landscapes, jungles, forests, mountains, hills, valleys, rivers and seas. Some have them some don't. These are the mosaics of the human world....We see the skies, clouds, rains and, gray, orange and red...the changing of the night and day..with the sun, moon, sun and stars....How awesome the varieties of creation for us to enjoy and appreciate.. we see people from different parts of the world behaving differently...some place people are polite and courteous...clean and protect their environments, they appreciate their surroundings and protect them....when they speak they are so gentle and respectful of others, they are clean in their way and conduct...everything is in place and they are apologetic if it is not and feel ashamed of it. 

With them you feel safe and the presence of humanity..I always observe people and nation who don't love their environment...they destroy everything for today's benefits and nothing to leave for tomorrow...the people are coarse and often inconsiderate....they are arrogant and failed to respect fellow human beings...they demand without giving....their language and manners don't reflect the nice cities of creation.

I suppose this distinguishes civilizations...and you learn to accept the different colors and varieties of people and living....we learn history; geography and demography...all the children of Adam and Eve sharing this temporal world....if we combine our body and spirit then we can satisfy our share this world in harmony, tranquility and peace soul and thoughts as I see the lifting of the veil of the night to the light of the morning.

FBSHApost@30 November 2015

FBSHApost@26 November 2015

Hidup ini banyak berasaskan contoh dan teladan. Justru itu bila Rasulullah S.A.W. diutus, baginda adalah seorang Insan contoh dari segala dimensi sebagai pemimpin, akhlaknya, kesabarannya, kelembutan dalam hubungannya, kelakuan dan hemahnya serta bersifat adil tiada tolok bandingnya. Oleh itu Allah menganugerah baginda sebagai rahmat di atas seluruh alam. Quran sendiri mengandungi berbagai contoh-contoh dan sejarah untuk kita teladani supaya menjadi manusia baik serta tidak sombong kerana kuasa, jawatan dan harta. Apa yang dimiliki insan itu milik Allah dan semua bersifat sementara. Lantas saya hairan bila ada di kalangan manusia yang terlalu bermegah-megah dengan kedudukannya dan suka bertanya pada orang yang melayaninya, "engkau tahu aku siapa", atau tentang siapa bos dia, dan memberitahu mengapa dia diberi tempat dan layanan istimewa. Atau mahukan orang jangan lupa tentang pangkat atau jawatannya. Bermegah tentang aku dan harta aku, maka kau perlu meletakkan aku di tempat yang layak untuk aku...marah jika dalam persepsinya layanan dan tempatnya tidak sesuai untuk jawatan, status dan hartanya. Wah wah fakir fikir hebat betul orang itu. Hormat dan mulia tidak mungkin dipaksa....tapi realitinya ramai yang lupa dan cepat mabuk dengan kedudukan dan harta. Fakir memerhati bila sedemikian jelata jadi marah dan bosan...dengan mereka yang sombong dengan kuasa, harta, jawatan atau keturunan...semoga Allah berikan taufiq dan hidayah pada orang sombong dan angkuh untuk kembali tawaduk. Aamiin.

FBSHApost@26 November 2015

FBSHApost@25 November 2015

Saya lihat dunia pincang...tiada aman tiada tenang...manusia pun ramai sudah hilang adab dan tertib...Diserata disaksikan kerakusan kuasa....kekuatan fizikal dan ketenteraan menjadi kaedah mencari penyelesaian...tiada ehsan dan tiada adil timbangnya....pembunuhan dilakukan oleh individu, kumpulan dan negara. Kesemuanya terrorisma kepada penduduk awam...tapi dendam dan balas negara dihalalkan dan yang lainnya tidak sah...Oder antarabangsa menentukan pilihan yang diwarnai double standard dan selectivity...Mangsa terbesar diolahan ini adalah agama dan umat Islam...kerana kuasa yang kuat mewarnai dunia dan media menjadi pelukis yang melahirkan rekabentuk alam. Justeru pergolakkan dasyat tidak akan berakhir selagi punca konflik dan pertikaian tidak dikaji dan dianalisa secara terperinci...keganasan individu, kumpulan dan negara akan berterusan..fakir memerhati segalanya...

FBSHApost@25 November 2015


Fakir bercerita kisah LV
Fakir kata ini kisah benar
Bukan fitnah direka manusia
Atau cemburu status nya
Fakir kabarkan dia pesuruh kepada ketua
Tapi kata fakir bila menghembur bahasa Megah sombong tidak terkira
Eh melampau dia
Kata LV kau mesti tahu ini siapa
Ternganga mulut fakir bila mendengar
Lahaula kuata illa billa
Kata fakir memaki perkara biasa
Tempatnya perkara utama
Fakir kata pesuruh itu suka menghina
Angkuhnya menyebab fakir bertanya
Mengapa kerusi hendak tinggi
Bukankah ia pesuruh saja
Fakir kata lagi cermin ketua
Akhlak mulia
Fakir tidak kenal siapa dia
Mengapa menuntut disama diri dengan ketua
Sombongnya tidak bijaksana
Hingga fakir kata orang benci ketua
Terlalu kerenah lebih dari ketua
Sedangkan baru memegang jawatan pesuruh ketua
Fakir menggeleng kepala
Ramai yang kecewa
Mungkin dia terlupa
Semuanya pinjaman sementara
Fakir harap dia bangkit dari lena
Yang berkuasa hanya jelata
Fakir kata maklum pada empunya.
Alshifaq 12.35am

FBSHApost@18 November 2015


Bangsa ku ada adab dan sopan
Tertibnya tiada bandingan
Sehingga ada menganggap kelemahan
Lemah lembutnya satu keistimewaan
Akan pupus tinggal ingatan
Cerita masa yang telah berlalu

FBSHApost@ 17 November 2015