Monday, August 1, 2016

FBSHApost@23 June 2016: Al-Fatihah to my late parents

What two special human beings that is my father and mother taught me and my other siblings was to be close to each other. For that reason they rotate from one house to another. Whenever it is possible we would have lunch or dinner or pray jemaah either at their home or at the home of one of us. We have never seen them quarreling at least not in front of us. They provide a perfect balance. Whilst my Al-Marhum father could be tough and a disciplinarian, my Al-Marhumah mother would be the one that covers with love and tenderness. Both of them taught us positive values and trust in Allah. 

Life is full of trials and tribulations. They inculcated about characters and people we would meet as we pass the life journey. They were our referrals for everything. They relate to us their life experiences. Both of them would tell the stories from their different perspectives. My father about how he began his life in politics...from living a straight forward life to the intrigues and sophistication of politics. My mother would talk to the people she met, the legends, mythology and our family heritage. 

Many of the things we experience and see today reflect the past, only the actors were different... standards, norms and morality had changed. They were loyal and faithful to each other. My father was totally dedicated and committed to the party, no matter how he disagreed with the leadership. He dared to be critical and spoke his mind to the leadership. His motto was be honest and truthful. I know this from primary and secondary sources. How we missed both of them.


FBSHApost@23 June 2016

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