Wednesday, February 15, 2017

FBSHAPOST@13 Februari 2017: Jangan Keliru antara Fiqh dan Syari'ah

Ada masanya kita cepat keliru tentang Fiqh dan Syari'ah kerana yang menjelaskan tidak bijak berbuat demikian atau yang mendengar tidak mahu mendengar. Sistem keadilan dan Syari'ah adalah untuk orang Islam. 

Jangan campur adukkan Fiqh dan Syari'ah kepada hukuman, sebelum hukuman dapat di tentukan ada proses dan prosedur bagi mencegah masyarakat terjebak kepada kerosakan. Kita ada Quran, Hadis, Ijma dan Ijtihad ulama... bagi kita rujuk untuk memahami tentang persoalan Fiqh dan Syari'ah yang menghubungkannya. Saya fakir yang mencari kefahaman. 

Wallahhu a'lam.

FBSHAPOST@13 Februari 2017

FBSHAPOST@12 Februari 2017: Diplomasi

Jangan biarkan politik, ekonomi, budaya serta minda kita terkongkong dan dijajah. Kita di jadikan Allah umat golongan tengah, sederhana dan wasatiah. 

Mereka yang melampau dan extreme bukan dari golongan kita. Kita diajak untuk berdiplomasi dalam hubungan dengan cara lembut, berhikmah, tidak menggunakan kekerasan dan tidak memaksa pandangan dan agama kita kepada orang lain. 

Kita dianjurkan menggunakan hujah yang terbaik bagi mempengaruhi orang lain.

FBSHAPOST@12 Februari 2017

FBSHAPOST@12 Februari 2017: Siapakah Ancaman pada Individu, Masyarakat dan Negara?

Siapa sebenarnya menjadi ancaman pada individu, masyarakat dan negara? Mungkin kita akan menganggap tidak perlu tahu kerana kita berada di zon selesa. Namun demikian, ia adalah satu persoalan penting untuk masa depan umat dan negara memandangkan persekitaran geopolitik dunia masa kini sudah berubah dan tidak menentu. Kuasa-kuasa besar dunia sedang bersaing hebat. Jika kita imbau konflik yang berlaku pada tahun sembilan puluhan dan pada tahun dua ribu semuanya dicetuskan dari galakkan dari campur tangan luar. Mereka juga akan mencipta persepsi yang berasaskan fakta dan persepi tidak betul. Semuanya kerana adanya agenda tersembunyi dan kepentingan geopolitik. Akhbar dan media barat selalunya tidak bebas tapi alat elektronik mempunyai kuasa tersebut. Justeru kita perlu berwaspada.

FBSHAPOST@12 Februari 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

FBSHApost@8 Februari 2017: Allahu Akbar

Hidup adalah satu perjalanan. Dalamnya kita melalui berbagai fasa. Ada masanya mudah, ada ketika susah, namun begitu tidak boleh kecewa, ada pasang surutnya... ada lurus dan bengkoknya... ada masa kita melalui terowong gelita... walaupun begitu mesti berharap di akhir terowong ada cahaya...ada onak dan durinya...segalanya adalah penentuan...ada masa di hargai ada ketika di lupai...

Allah meminjam dan memberi...disetiap kita lalui... dari bayi ke kanak kanak, remaja dan dewasa.... ada masa muda dan akan tiba zaman ketuaannya... ada masa gagah dan mantap...ada kuasa dan berkuasa... ada mula dan akhirnya... kita mencari hidayah sebelum pergi...kita tidak miliki...roh itu penghuni jasad... bila tiada jasad akan terkulai sehingga bangkit untuk diadili... berbuat bakti... setia pada Ilahi...alam yang kekal ada ahirat nanti...tiada kebanggaan untuk Insan dan akan terus berjalan mencari perhentian...

Kita mohon petunjuk supaya tidak disinggahi kesyirikan, kesombongan, keriakan kerana kuasa, kekayaan, kemewahan, pangkat dan keturunan. Tidak juga bicara ketam berkata lurus tapi dusta...melakukanyang berbeza...subhanallah, Allah jua penentu segala... Alhamdulillah bersyukur kepada nikmat, Allahhu Akbar... tiada yang Maha Besar melainkan yang Maha Esa...kita fakir di alam fana...

FBSHApost@8 Februari 2017

FBSHApost@8 Februari 2017: Tentukan Melayu tidak Tersungkur

Saya ingin berkongsi cerita. Sejarah Melayu sejak zaman silam sehinggalah sekarang. Banyak sangat kisah congak menganiayai diantara satu sama lain. Banyak cerita kita kurang amanah. Banyak cerita membawa orang masuk ke rumah sehingga kita dilalaikan dan tersingkir dari rumah sendiri. 

Akhirnya pun sejarah asal usul kita sendiri tidak tahu lagi. Kita lena bila dipanggil tuan sehingga tidak sedar orang lain yang sebenarnya menjadi tuan. Bila dimewahkan kita terapong di antara langit dan bumi. Khayal. Apabila kita bangun sudah terlambat tempat telah diisikan oleh orang lain. Kaji sejarah nusantara bagaimana setiap penjajah menganggapkan orang Melayu kurang usaha dan berdaya maju. 

Tetapi kalau kita kaji sejarah sebelum zaman melaka kita akan sedar kita ada tamadun sendiri, mengusahakan industri sendiri, berdagang dan menjadi pelaut yang membawa hasil bumi ke rantau lain di Asia dan sehinggalah di Timur Tengah. 

Tapi memandang kepada sejarah saja tidak mencukupi. Kita perlu membina kekuatan dalam semua aspek fizikal dan mental untuk bersaing di peringkat dalaman dan di dunia yang telah berubah. Jangan kita menganiayai sesama sendiri sebangsa dan seagama. Jangan sangka kalau kita lemah dan tersungkur orang lain akan bantu kita. Tentukan kita tidak tersungkur.

FBSHApost@8 Februari 2017

FBSHApost@7 February 2017: We have lost Mercy and Compassion

Out of the sixty million refugees worldwide, 50% of them are Muslims. Allah made us khalifah and made us the witness to everything that is happening around or beyond us. We witness deaths, injustices and sufferings. These are all committed by human hands. 

Today we are facing the worst refugee crisis since the second world war. The question is , what have we done to alleviate the sufferings and prevent the injustices from continuing. Have we spent our money and wealth entrusted upon us for the good of humanity. Have we fulfilled our duties and obligations as vicegerent on earth. 

We are living in reality in a world without humanity and remorse. We have been dishonest to the trust of God Almighty for us to help and assist those in need no matter where & who they are. We have lost our ehsan, mercy and compassion. How much wealth have been wasted for the materialistic satisfaction through lust and greed. Haven't we realised our life and possession are temporary. 

We are fortunate of being given the Prophet of Rahmatan Lil Alamen where our punishments are postponed. We seem to have forgotten the stories of wealth, people and nation being destroyed due to their arrogance with status, power and position. God save those who need help and open the hearts and minds of those who have the means to realise their omissions & wrongdoings.

FBSHApost@7 February 2017

FBSHApost@6 February 2017: POEM #4/2017

As we venture into history 
There are plentiful story
On every continent it be
Not everything is narrated in its reality
They only tell what they want to be

Much more are hidden
What you read and see
Many hidden tumultuous acts of the powerful & 
We are told of the mystery and beauty
The conquest and subjugation
Full of magic and fascination 
Of the masters laudable intentions 
To bring modernity and civilization
To bring light into the darkness
To the savages in distant lands
With weapons & guns
Countries without names they are given
Wealth and richness that were taken
The montains, hills and vallies they explore
Every inch of seas, rivers and lakes
They explore and exploit
Jungles and forests are theirs
Laughters and cheers for them to enjoy
They are called the saviors of every creature
Those enslaved must be able to behave
Until today there is still destruction 
Mammoth amount of tears flow
Many who cried with sorrows 
Many untold tales of radiation 
To establish the dominion
We may see the power of the hegemony
May the Earth fill with peace and tranquility 
The human race embraces harmony
One love beginning from Adam & Eve
Of a beautiful global society 
No hate and anxiety
But of true love & forgiveness 
To create the world of unity with diversity

Shifaq Damansara

FBSHApost@5 February 2017: POEM #3/2017

I'm a traveller on this temporal world
Looking and searching 
Where is my destiny...
Final abode for eternity 
Many things that I meet and see

Always waiting for a perfect answer
Where there is peace and tranquility
To find justice and humility 
Caring & loving for humanity 
Not driven by lust and greed
Caressing earth and its environment 
Admiring the light of the moon and stars
God creates us to understand each other
Not to hate or destroy
Nor to follow the call of the devil
For us to be cruel
Where is my destiny
Of milk and honey 
The rivers and seas for us to sail free
Stop in every port and harbor
Be welcomed and greeted with songs 
Smiles and laughters without the jesters
The human race sharing and caring
This is my destiny
I'll habor with peace & serenity

Ferry Road, Oxford 

FBSHApost@4 February 2017: Conflicts by the big powers remains unresolved

At one time we used to be divided by the ideological differences of the Cold War; the western domain and the Russian. We have the two economic systems; Liberal Capitalist and the State Centric of the Communist Economic Capitalism. 

The developing countries created what they called the non-aligned movement (NAM) with the names of the time such as; Nehru, Sukarno, Tito Nasser, Nkrumah etc. Though in reality they are all aligned to some major powers. 

All the time, nation states have to balance their geopolitical game. At times there were tensions but generally we were able to resolve disputes and conflicts peacefully. With the end of Cold War the multi-polar system comes to an end. Every country adopts a capitalist system in one form and another. Similarly most countries of the world adopt democracy but practice differently in each country. 

Some has freedom of expression and associations but others, though called democratic are really authoritarian. In some cases, their intelligence agencies and laws allow for interference and violations of human rights. It's still the old days with unreformed UN behaving in the same way and the major powers exercise their national interest based on geopolitical and geo-strategic ways. 

In a way, conflicts started by the big powers remains unresolved. They started them and leave the nations and countries in shambles. That's how things are.

FBSHApost@4 February 2017

FBSHApost@4 February 2017: Allah allows us to make choices in Managing Life

Today, Friday, 3rd Feb 2017, the Imam in his sermon touched on the subject of the benevolent and mercy of Allah to human beings. 

He said Allah gave them options and choices in leading their everyday life & affairs. Allah doesn't even wait for the outcome or achievement of the good objectives to reward a person. 

If the person wants to do a good deed or bad deed it is within Allah's will and power to make it happen or not. 

How Allah rewards a person if the person takes steps to perform the good deeds with earnestness and sincerity even though he didn't complete it. 

Similarly he punishes a person's wrong doing only after he committed them. Our life is dependent on Qada and Qadar of the Almighty; whether good or bad and yet Allah allows human beings to make their choices in managing life.

Wallahhu a'lam.

FBSHApost@4 February 2017

FBSHApost@2 February 2017: Diplomacy in Islam

Since Samuel Huntington's book, Clash of Civlizations and September 11, there have been tremendous interest on the subject of Islam whether in a positive or negative context. 

It has become fashionable to associate Islam with violence or extremism and the most important symbolism today is terrorism of non-state actors like AlQaeda and latest, Daesh

This imagery is the overwhelming trajectory of Islam and Muslims. This has motivated me to undertake a project of Islam and Diplomacy. When I started talking about it, I received very unfavorable response of either total disinterest or there is no such thing as Islamic diplomacy because of the bifurcation of of the subject into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb

Is there then no diplomacy and relations between Muslim and non-Muslim states. I then venture doing the research from the Quran, the Sunnah, work from the traditional and contemporary scholars. 

I dislike the idea that the teachings of Islam and the Sunnah made us in a constant state of conflict. Human beings by nature can and often get into conflicts. For that reason, diplomacy is used to settle disputes or prevent conflicts from happening. 

The traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) and the holy Quran is full of examples of calls for diplomacy through negotiation, compromise, the agency of special envoys to Muslim & non-Muslim states. It is going to be a challenging journey of learning from the past and present.

FBSHApost@2 February 2017

FBSHApost@2 February 2017: Lunch in Oxford Centre of Islamic Studies

Yesterday, the 1st of Feb 2017 I joined the lunch as I normally do everyday at the Oxford Center of Islamic Studies. I like the healthy cuisine they serve consisting of soup, macaroni salad or potato salad together with some bread rolls, butter and jam. Self-service. We will pick our own trays and plates, forks, knives and spoon and place them back when we finish our lunch. 

All the Fellows & Visiting Fellows or invited guests will find places to sit at a long bench. This is the time we socialize and chat on simple things about life or our experience for the day. 

Often we discuss scholarly subjects or on our individual project of research. This time I took the opportunity to  informally present my research subject on Islam and Diplomacy. There was a lot of excitement and controversies and cynicism about diplomats and political leaderships. The polemics on Islamic State and whether there is an Islamic IR or Islamic diplomacy. 

There were diverse views agreeing and disagreeing. I am not interested to polemics on labeling IR or FP or Diplomacy with Islam or any other brands. I prefer to input the values and norms as well as the Ahadith, AlQuran and Sunnah on whatever we do do in the formulation and decision making of FP. 

In this way we will be able to create a religious society. Let it be accepted and not imposed. There are so many examples and illustrations of the Prophet's (PBUH) conduct of Diplomacy.

FBSHApost@2 February 2017 

FBSHApost@1 February 2017: Hopes of Building Bridges of Understanding in Burma

I love Burma from the first time I set foot in the country. I like the landscapes. The mountains, hills, valleys, meadows, seas and rivers, the greenery and vegetation, the forests and jungles are fabulously magnificent. The natural resources, variety of climates and microcosm of people and cultures as well as the cuisine made it awesome. 

It would be beautiful if they can use these elements to create stability, peace and security in their country. It does not cost anything to build bridges of understanding, tolerance and love between ethnicity, cultures and religions. It would then enable the country to focus on economic growth and development for every citizen to share & enjoy. What a wonderful world it would be.

FBSHApost@1 February 2017

FBSHApost@1 February 2017: My Next Topic of Research

Does the international system work? The straightforward answer is, of course. 

At the bilateral and multilateral levels, the strong militarily or economically will dominate the world. They will influence and shape the hegemony in the global order in their own interests. 

In international relations, all states will justify their policies based on national interest or the interests of the state concerned. It does not matter whether the leader is Trump, Putin or Modi, or Xi Jinpeng; national interest will be their motivation in the policy formulation and decision-making. 

Realism in Foreign Policy is practiced by major powers and the countries aligned to them to survive in a chaotic world. This would be supported by military and economic powers to extend their influence beyond their borders. 

Based on Machiavellian principle of realism, states in their policy pursuits and in their national interest can use deceit or violence to achieve their objectives. Morals and ethics are not in the equation. 

The liberalist Foreign Policy adherents take the view even though the world is hostile and dangerous place, this could be overcome through cooperation as the adverse effects of militarism far outweigh the benefits. Thus, interdependence between states becomes the sustaining position in economic & trade relations between states.

In Islam, the conduct of international relations and foreign policy are premised on values and norms such as hikmah, morals and ethics. Foreign policy should be implemented with wisdom and moderation. 

This FP stance is similar to the position taken by the idealist where state FP is required to be consistent with morality and ethics. My next subject for research is on Islam and Diplomacy as compared to the conventional FP.

FBSHApost@1 February 2017

FBSHApost@30 January 2017: Condolences to U Ko Ni's family

Another innocent life and another death in broad day light at the airport doesn't make sense. The loss of a good and dedicated man. It should be fully investigated. Condolences to U Ko Ni's family.

FBSHApost@30 January 2017

FBSHApost@29 Januari 2017: Parti UMNO

Kerajaan ini dan pemerintah ini adalah dari parti yang sama sejak kerajaan sendiri dari Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sampai ke Malaysia. Dari Perikatan ke BN. Yang berubah pemimpin dan penyokong-penyokong pemimpin. Ada masanya orang yang sama ada dalam sepasukan dan sefahaman. Memanglah landskap politik telah berubah dan pendekatan baru dibawa untuk menyesuaikan zaman.

Saya khuatir kalau kita telanjangkan kelemahan dasar dan salah laku nanti orang pula tanya hendak buat apa bagi kepercayaan kepada parti yang sama setelah terlalu banyak keburukan yang telah mereka lakukan.

Parti UMNO unik kerana tiada parti dalam sejarah dunia saya fikir yang semenjak merdeka masih lagi berkuasa. Banyak jasa dan keramatnya. Kalau parti lawan berkuasa (dijauhkan Allah), memandangkan apa yang kita katakan, mereka berhak tubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di Raja untuk menyiasat segala bentuk kesalahan dan penyelewangan yang berlaku sejak merdeka.

FBSHApost@29 Januari 2017

FBSHApost@29 Januari 2017: Lakukan Setiap Sesuatu kerana Allah S.W.T

Jika kita melakukan sesuatu dengan niat untuk dijulang atau diingati mungkin kita akan kecewa dengan hidup dan tidak bersyukur pada anugerah Allah. Baca banyak Surah Ar Rahman. Allah penentu segala-galanya dan ada hikmah di sebalik segala yang dijadikan dan berlaku. 

Justeru akan ada manusia yang pandai mereka cerita, yang memutar belit kebenaran ataupun mengada-adakan yang tiada. Timbullah pemfitnah bagi menjadi popular yang rela menjatuhkan kawannya ataupun lawannya. Fakta pun boleh dimanipulasi mengikut agenda masing-masing. Yang tahu hanya Allah. Malaikat mencatit dengan tepat serta terperinci. 

Lantas apa jua kita lakukan pulangkan pada Allah kerana Dia lebih mengetahui. Mengharapkan balasan manusia mungkin kecewa. Ada yang jahil ada maklumat sekerat tapi bercerita sedepa. Tidak peduli pada Allah atau dosa. Ramai terdorong dengan hawa nafsu. Berhati-hati bila mendengar atau membaca apa yang dikatakan fakta. Semak dan selidik sumber dan matlamat. Saya dapat mengenang dari pengalaman dan kejadian sebenar.

FBSHApost@29 Januari 2017

FBSHApost@28 January 2017: Friday Khutbah at the Oxford Centre

Today, the Friday khutbah at the Oxford Centre touches on three important things that affect a person; namely birth, marriage and death. We have no control when we are going to be born and when we are going to die. Marriage is something that we can determine though the destiny is predetermined by God and again we really don't know who our partner is going to be or is the marriage going to last. 

Though this is not in the same realm as we discuss regarding our birth and death. Our responsibility is to prepare ourselves for this life once we are introduced to the world as our abode here is just a temporary stopping point. So we need to establish a balanced life in this world and be better prepared for our death. It's always good to ponder over these issues.

FBSHApost@28 January 2017

FBSHApost@26 January 2017: Science without God

I attended a lecture in Oxford a few days ago about Cybernetics and the book titled God and Golem. Very interesting and scary when you look at the discussion of God from the human level about the Creator and the created. 

The ability of the Robots to create and recreate, to think faster than the homo-sapiens. The discourse leads to moral and ethics they should possess. How would the Sharia view it...

Mind boggling when we try to equate machines with God... But academia here can have the freedom to let their minds and intellect run loose. That night I stayed up the whole night to read the book..,Its a problem when you apply science without God.

FBSHApost@26 January 2017

FBSHApost@25 Januari 2017: PUISI #2/2017

Janji adakah dia seni
Atau ngomong-ngomong saja Kosong tidak ada erti Untuk jadi titipan telinga Sedap didengar tapi tiada maknaAtau ia satu ikat pastiMesti ditepatiAda janji ada saksiMengikut hukum dan adatTidak bisa dihampar Jika hanya pentas lestariDipegang manusia dan dituntut rabbiHidup dan mati dinaungi janji

Ferry Road, Oxford 
24/1/2017, 6.30 pm

FBSHApost@24 Januari 2017: Manusia Mudah Terpengaruh

Manusia mudah keliru diantara yang baik dan buruk. Ia juga mudah terpengaruh diantara kebenaran dan kebatilan. Dia cepat percaya kepada apa dia dengar, lihat dan baca. Apa yang mula-mula diperolehinya akan membentuk persepsi dan kepercayaan. Lantaran itu amat susah untuk menukar persepsi tersebut bila ia telah menjadi kepercayaannya. 

Padanya itulah kebenaran. Lebih-lebih lagi di era maklumat di mana kurang kepercayaan kepada pemimpin politik ataupun media arus utama. Kredibiliti dan kebolehpercayaan terhadap pimpinan politik terhakis akibat ledakan maklumat dari sumbar luaran dan dalaman.

FBSHApost@24 Januari 2017

FBSHApost@23 January 2017: PUISI #1/2017 : Alam Palsu

Ramai ingin masuk bicara
Tanpa selidik tahu mauduknya
Buka mulut luas menghembur kata
Bunyinya cerdik berhujah bahasa
Tiada lebih faham dari dirinya

Semua salah dalam melaksana
Meletak tajuk bukan di tempatnya
Bila jahil dikata ilmu
Ilmu terbelenggu terletak di tepi penjuru
Membuat syor seperti tahu
Sahsiah wacana menjuara peribadi
Batil disanjung tinggi
Kotor dipuja suci
Adab santun tidak ditimbang lagi
Gusar takut bertutur hakiki
Yang jahil batil pasti dijulangi
Begitulah alam palsu ini
Berputar tonggang terbalik 
Kiraan insani
Tertipu dengan harta pangkat
Keturunan dan darjat
Iman dan Taqwa dibiar rempat
Hanya menunggu datangnya kiamat.

22hb Jan 2017, 11:00 malam
Oxford, UK

FBSHApost@21 January 2017: Realising Freedom for the Rohingya

When I started on the Rohingya journey in 2014, I felt alone and lonely other than the few Rohingya leaders who encouraged and inspired me. I had the full backing of Iyad Madani, the SG of OIC then who supported me all the way. I met government leaders of Myanmar, their think thank and activists. 

It was a difficult task because there are a lot of people and countries who give lip service but not willing to be upfront. ASEAN was shouting non-interference and other countries are too remote to bother. After all, Myanmar was transforming to democracy and Suu Kyi was a darling of international community and champion of human rights. 

With Myanmar still behaving in the mode of the military junta oppressing and suppressing the minorities, the military & government forgot the rule of the game has changed. People begin to see clearly as if it is always daylight on the atrocities and crimes committed by the military with the endorsement of the civilian authorities. 

Suu Kyi the human rights laureate remaining in silence caused anger and abhorrence when the evidence is crystal clear. It is today a global issue and tragedy that needs to be addressed. ASEAN could no longer ignore it and PM Najib took it up. 

Now the ball is on the OIC's feet. The new SG feels he & his team in the Secretariat could handle it well. We should wish them well...For me I am happy but we need to work harder ahead for the challenges are complex; to realise the vision of the Rohingya and other minorities for a free, democratic and inclusive Myanmar that respect its obligations and not simply call for its rights.

FBSHApost@21 January 2017

FBSHApost@20 January 2017: Efforts to relieve the predicament of the Rohingya

For the first time, Malaysia reinterpreted non-interference in its FP stance by saying it is not interference if the actions at the domestic level has the spin off effects on other states. This is rightly so when it involves violations of human rights, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity or genocide. 

Malaysia caused Myanmar to call for an ASEAN Retreat in Yangon and on 19th January 2017 Malaysia succeeded in bringing an OIC Emergency meeting on the situation of the Rohingya community. 

The meeting was well attended with forty countries out of 56 member states. It succeeded to highlight the plight of the Rohingya minority. There was consensus on calling Myanmar to stop its military operations in northern Rakhine, free access of humanitarian aids organisations, independent international investigation committee under the UN, the OIC SG to lead a high-powered delegation to visit the affected areas in Myanmar with coordination of ASEAN. 

At least now more and more countries believe that there is crime against humanity and even genocide. Malaysia & the OIC SG can claim credit. The work has just begun.

FBSHApost@20 January 2017