Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Since I arrived I've not got out of my jetlag. It will take a long time before I'll get back my beauty sleep. Thus my flat small friends allow me to speak to my wife and friends at home. Everywhere people are interested to know about Malaysia. Now they are asking for the wrong reason. As a true Malaysian I take the trouble to explain the economic political and security dimensions but always reminding them that we a a world of turmoil and crisis but Malaysia will get out of its problems because our fundamentals are strong. The reality is there are many danger signs. We see the destruction of human lives and civilizations. Muslims and its religion is in a state of flux and facing identity and dignity dilemma. Unfortunately we are not seeking solutions from within us...the Quran or Sunnah. We seek advise from other books, cultures, environment and advisors. I am happy to meet old friends like Dr. Jemilah who have made a name as an international civil servant successfully. I met old friends from Malaysian Media who are covering the PM's visit at the UNGA and all other meetings at the sideline of UNGA..Busy busy..according to them. 

I went to.the OIC office to meet Shwe Maung and Dr. Wakar. We are all working for the cause of justice and humanities. As Rohingya's their feelings have different dynamics from mine. At 3.00pm I presented my report and recommendations to the OIC contact group meeting as the Special Envoy of OIC. Alhamdulillah It was well received. At the side I also had a short discussion with the FM of Indonesia to get the ASEAN government. help to.pressure Myanmar govt on preventing human rights abuses and hate campaigns against Rohingya and Islamophobia in Myanmar..I thank her for the understanding and commitment. I was not able to see the FM of Malaysia due to hour busy.schedule. We also called for the reinstatement of the reinstatement of the Rohingya citizenship status and for them to take part in the November. More need to be done by the international community and the OIC as a whole. Insyallah I will leave New York tomorrow arriving on 3/10 as on the 4/10 I will present a paper on the influence of NI in the FP outcomes of Malaysia. May Allah guide and protect me and All Muslims..Aamiin. Busy busy...

FBSHApost@30 September 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I just landed in New York to attend OIC FM contact group meeting...on took me more than 24 hrs to arrive with transiting in Dubai. What is all this about to go across the globe and still running around. I'm no longer chasing rainbows or the stars.. Many told me just to sit still and not travel round the world...I gave a quiet smile and how I wish it could be done...I'm still passionate on learning and seeking knowledge. I'm still saddened by the issues of injustice of humanities and the international system...i shed tears looking at the plight of refugees without home and poverty in a world aplenty...I feel touched on the unreasonableness of Islamophobia....I'm devastated to see the hypocrisy of the preachers of virtue and piety and yet their behaviour and acts are not exemplary. It is also unfortunate when we prescribe things for others to do and yet we do the opposite. We teach humility and good conduct but we failed to be governed by it...My friends tell me forget about them as life is too short and human beings are not perfect...i just looked into the empty space and thank Allah for the generosity and compassion upon us...preservere and be patient....Aamiin.

FBSHApost@29 September 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015


There are too many things in my mind that I want to pen down but I know I can only put some of them in my coherent thoughts. 
  1. We are living in a troubled world--full of tears, sadness and sufferings. Many of them I feel so disturbed that I can't even see or write about them.
  2. Everywhere we are witnessing conflicts or disputes that the human race or even the UN or other multilateral organisations don't seem able to find a solution.
  3. Humanities seem to have lost its values and we allow wars and killings on the basis of defending or protecting national interests of a particular state or regions as justifications for carrying our so called goals for achieving peace and security
  4. We are in a state of paralysis from getting rid of extremism's and intolerance though we have made voluminous pronouncements, statements and resolutions as well as international treaties and conventions.
  5. We are leaving genocides or dangerous signs of genocides unabated in many parts of the world for fear of interfering with sovereignty of nation states or intervention in its domestic affairs.
  6. Major powers have differing national interests in the contestation for influence in the geo-economic and geo-strategic spheres..
  7. We are are carrying out selective or discriminatory policies in performing our functions to sustain international order.
  8. I am lost for words and ideas why something is not done to bring about a better world for the future generation be it in economics, societal, security, political, environment and human rights for the cause of justice and humanities.
FBSHApost@27 September 2015


When we are in a discourse treat it as such..We deliberate using our mental faculty to put our views and opinions across be it political, security economics or societal in a rational and logical ways substantiated with facts. We may agree or disagree...but this should not make us venture into the realm of throwing personal insults or disparaging comments in order to win our argument. We respect even those we can't agree with. This would show our freedom and democracy is matured and we are civilized.

FBSHApost@26 September 2015


If the government leaves things as they are and allow all kinds of adverse reporting in the media domestically and internationally on Malaysia it would ultimately affect the country's political stability and economic performance. Its not an easy task under current political landscapes and environment but something has to be done. Hoping that things would resolve themselves is not an option.

FBSHApost@25 September 2015

Aidiladha 2015

Tadi saya solat eidiladha di masjid dekat rumah saya. Penuh tapi tak sesak. Saya perhatikan saf kita pun tak rapat. Masing-masing hendak selesa...jadi kaki di buka besar-besar. Begitu lah zaman moden dan kerengangan umat Islam. Sepekara yang sudah berubah ia lah jemaah di masjid sudah tidak lagi di penuhi oleh masyarakat tempatan tetapi orang asing. Mungkin kalau tidak ada mereka jemaah untuk bersolat di masjid tidak sampai setengah saya juga perhatikan masa khutbah ada di antara mereka keluar masjid kerana mereka tak faham walaupun sebelum solat imam mengingatkan jemaah supaya tunggu kerana khutbah solat aidiladha lepas solat. Fenomena baru di negara ini adalah kebanjiran pekerja asing samaada datang secara sah ataupun tidak. Kerana dasar pemerintah begitu terbuka mereka boleh masuk dan bekerja di mana-mana sektor saja. Kalau dalam bidang Keselamatan...orang nepal...restoran....orang myanmar dan india...Pendek kata kat hotel pun menggunakan pekerjaan asing..rakyat kini menjadi gulongan minoriti...keadaan begini amat membimbangkan...Ada kedutaan asing mengatakan yang pekerja asing yang sah dan tidak sah di Malaysia adalah di tahap 20% dari jumlah penduduk Malaysia. Kalau angka ini betul merbahaya untuk negara. Entah lah saya out of date.

FBSHApost@24 September 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Bila sombong pangkat
Rasa terlalu terhormat
Kau lah paling kuat dan selamat
Ingat siapa yang pinjamkan tempat
Segala pinjaman dari yang Satu
Apa yang di beri boleh di ambil pergi
Jangan alpa insan ini hamba ilahi
Ada yang kaya tapi ada yang lebih lagi
Di pedesta tinggi bicara menghakimi
Apakah sudah pasti yang kau suci
Bila sombong pangkat dan harta
Bertimbun timbun tidak terkira
Hidup berpoya belum lagi sempurna semua dunia pura
Terlalu ramai penglipur lara
Mengipas membilang selesa
Banyak dusta dari benar
Berpakaian opera di sebalik kata
Layar perak nya semua di reka
Hanya lakunan di pentas dunia
Belum cuba lapar seperti fakir sana
Kurang bumbung menudungi kepala
Tiada selimut menyelubungi dingin
Kau tidak terputus air merasai dahaga
Di tatang angkat di anggap mulia
Kau beramal tanpa ilmu nya
Tidak pernah berada di pinggir durjana
Meminta sesuap menghilangkan laparnya
Ah terlalu kerap kau berfatwa
Menghakim tanpa warkahnya
Ini dan itu kau tetera
Yang lain kau pandang hina dan menghina
Kau berperi wali tanpa mengerti
Menyakiti sesama insani
Terlalai manusia dengan pangkat harta dan wanita
Bermegah wajah memegang kuasa
Tanpa ketara sidiq amanah tabligh fatanah
Entah dunia mempersona
Terlupa ini pinjaman dunia
Semua nya akan di hakimi
Oleh Hakim yang Esa dan bijaksana tiada banding nya
Adil nya tiada serupa
Menyeru manusia bangun dari lena
Bertawaduk di sepanjang masa
Turun di bumi nyata
Keluar dari alam pura
Jumpa lah marhaen biasa
Bertafakur dengan semua fakir dunia
Untuk seimbang mencapai muafakat
Bagi mendapat berkat di limpahi rahmat
Tidak selindung di sebalik pangkat
Baru boleh memberi kata hikmat
Memberi nasehat kepada seluruh umat

7pagi @ 22/9/15


Often we seek for truth hidden in words
Actions are contained in our doings
Pains and sufferings are kept in our hearts
The soul remains in our body.
For as long as you're loaned to live
Before the soul is separated from the body
You are there to be
You are just like a leave that has not fallen from the tree
You see how beautiful before it falls
The sun moon stars bear witness to the living
As parts of the planet in the galaxy
When the days, months and years decide to part
You are just memories for others to remember in the annal of history
Life is just a fleeting moment
Fill it with the best of deeds, laughter and joy
Of sacrifice and service
To feel the inadequacies of humanity
There may be times when tears would gently fall,
With thoughts of miseries without love to forgive
The voice that calls for justice
Hear them attentively
Let the earth be free from unfairness and inequities
Give what's due to those who call for you
For the Ruler who rules
The leader who leads
Always think of the human needs
Before being judged by the Almighty
On the lives and deeds in this life that is temporary

Al Shifaq@2155hrs
21st September 2015.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Friends there are people who like to rubbish their own country. There are those who like a wise Malaysian proverb categorise as those who like to bite the hands that feed them. No country or nation is perfect but I'll still think Malaysia is the best country that provide us good shelter, well being and happiness. There are shortcomings and weaknesses but which country don't, US, UK, or nearer home S'pore. All have their problems as we are not living in heaven. Love our country, keep it beautiful, peaceful and secured. Protect.our traditions and we can enjoy our diversity as a gift from God...that should be nurtured and nourish it with love and care. Malaysia kita.

FBSHApost@21 September 2015


We are always discussing about civilised people and civilization. What do you mean by this? To some it is defined by freedom and democracy with liberalism and market economy. Many would place the individual at the core of democracy and freedom. Society becomes a secondary factor under this doctrine. It also means the acts of individuals are not to be constrained or controlled. I would like to define civilization as the presence of good and ethical values amongst members of society...respect for others , creativity and ability to harmonise diversity, people with knowledge are highly regarded and celebrated. In sum a society that's balanced in words and deeds...premised on honesty and integrity..appreciate differences...caring and sharing materially and spiritually. Then only can we pride ourselves to be called civilised.

FBSHApost@20 September 2015


Definitely there have been many changes in the Public Transport scene. We are seeing globally travelling in many countries have become seamless n cashless..I think this makes Public Transport a convenient way and mode of choice for travelling..easy connectivity n just deal with machines. Every station you will find there is an absence of counters selling tickets...with cash or credit cards you settle everything...similarly shopping also means you pick up the goods and if the counter is busy you just go to the machines and enter the barcodes and your purchases would be itemised and totalled up. For me it was quite a funny and exciting relearning exercise that I experienced in the UK and one day it would also be the case in Malaysia... I think the pleasant part of my experience that there is always someone so kind to give a helping hand...either another customer or member of the staff. 

To me first hand experience is the best way to understand the goings on in public transport. What is glaring is to go by taxis or private vehicles is maddening as you would be caught in traffic jams.

FBSHApost@19 September 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Saya bertemu dengan ramai ahli ekonomi dan penasihat-penasihat pelaburan dan mereka bersepakat yang Malaysia ada lah "still the best country to invest". Tapi kalau dalam negara terus beri gambaran negatif dan membuat keadaan tidak menentu dan stabil, ia akan memberi kesan negatif dan akhirnya menakutkan para "investors". Justru mereka terpaksa mengalihkan "investment" ketempat atau negara lain. Fundamental ekonomi Malaysia "is still good and strong. Up to Malaysians to maintain it". The political environment will ultimately determine the economic and investment climate.

FBSHApost@15 September 2015@London

Monday, September 14, 2015


Apa masalah kita sebagai seorang insan kerdil di jadi kan Allah....tapi di angkat untuk jadi khalifah memimpin alam dan di jadikan makhlok mulia tapi boleh menjadi hina dan rendah...jika ia tidak mengikut lunas-lunas kejadian dari segi amanah dan tanggungjawab serta meninggalkan iman dan shariat... kini ramai manusia hilang akhlak dan teraskan hidup kepada amalan hedonisma...oleh itu kita akan bertemu mereka yang berasa tidak bersalah bila melakukan kesalahan jenayah ataupun yang bertentangan dengan akhlak atau sistem nilai.. justru tidak heran untuk ada yang rela melemparkan fitnah, menggunakan bahasa kesat, tidak sopan, maki hamun menjadi lumrah dan berpegang kuat pada ego serta mementingkan diri sendiri. 

Tidak kurang juga mereka yang anggap dirinya saja betul dan tidak mahu mendengar pandangan orang lain atau berbeza...begitu lah dunia hari ini..ada mereka yang susah untuk berterima kasih dan bersyukur..

FBSHApost@11 September 2015


Hari hari tanpa sunyi di Malaysia kita di hidangkan dengan santapan polimik politik... Dari ahli politik kerusi, ke pemerhati politik, pendita, ahli professional dan akademia politik, politikus akar umbi serta pemimpin-pemimpin elita dan ahli-ahli pension politik. Semua mereka ada pandangan dan pendapat politik yang berbagai-bagai. Mereka yang cerdik dan yang kurang pandai...bermacam solusi di tawarkan...bagaimana pula rakyat....dalam kemelut politik yang hebat pada sejarah negara....makin kalut dan bercelaru...umat Islam dan Melayu jadi lebih keliru dan tidak bersepakat dan padu....lebih susah lagi masing-masing menganggap rumusan dan pandangan merekalah yang tepat dan sahih...pusing kepala dan berputar arah tuju...orang ini katakan yang lain salah dan dia saja yang betul...Allah saja yang mengetahui...adoh....bersih 4 ada demonstrasi besar besaran di sebut hak demokrasi dan kebebasan...merah pula mahu menganjurkan di atas nama perpaduan Melayu dikatakan mengancam dan bisa mencetuskan kekacauan...Melayu terus berpecah dan berbeza pandangan...mungkin UMNO dan BN sudah tua dan tersisih dari pendapat aliran perdana politik... Penulisan Malay dilemma baru perlu di ungkilkan...bagi mencari pencerahan dan pendekatan masa depan politik Malaysia....wallahhualam.

FBSHApost@12 September 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Jika kau bohong
Hidup mu kosong
Kata kata hikmah penghulu
Terapongan berlambungan
Seterusnya dan Seterusnya
Kau terus ngomongan
Kau rahsiakan kebatilan
Bahasamu membingung
Kau kata tidak mengapa, "aku penghulu"
Pasti "aku yang lebih ilmu"
Aku bicara dan melunas bayar
Mengapa kau perlu khuatir
Aku pemegang chokma
Rafakku di percaya
Kau siapa tanpa juta
Makin lama aku dengar kau makin kesat dan dahsyat
Kata kau, "aku berada di tempat tinggi"
Sedang kau melata di pinggir
Kau tak ngerti untuk jadi penghulu
Cara canggih mengurus kuasa
Kebatilan loh lumrah dunia
Bicara kau kan di ketawa saja
Retorika senda ku tidak akan di apa apa
Biar mereka memekek tidak kemana
Di seluruh pelusok rantau suara ku bergema
Kisah hak tidak perlu kau hirau dan risau
Semua yang aku telah lontar
Aku pasti bisa mengabui
Bohong Ku tidak akan siapa ketahui
Aku sudah lama jadi pakar tidak memenuhi janji
Wah ramai kini bertanya latar tersembunyi
Mendengar kisah mu aku lebih gementar
Semua orang mengetahui
Aku lantas lebih pudar memerhati
Tapi kau masih senyuman lebar lagi
Kau selamba pada khalayak
Kau anggap itu perkara lawak
Akhirnya mereka pasti habis modal bosan cerita
Kau melempar seloka
Bicara mudah sengaja
Ini bukan kata fitnah
Aku ni pemegang amanah
Tiada yang ku laku bercanggah
Bukan kah kau semua telah menjamah
Sama sama berkedarah
Aku lihat ramai sama menadah
Menikmati hidangan juadah
Di talam dan sahan sama
Mengapa kini cerita berbeza
Bersama sama kita keliru kan ummah
Terbitkan pecah perintah
Tidak masalah selagi bijak bermadah
Berbohong lumrah manusia
Itu lah cerita sebenar di pentas dunia
Seru mu hak itu hanya idealisma para pundits
Berbohong itu permainan semua
Aduh aku makin bingung
Tidak mengerti sandiwara ini
Rupa rupa nya nilai murni
Tidak di pakai lagi
Utama mesti pandai membohongi
Semua nya akan tersembunyi
Biar bijak meyakini
Itu lah dunia hari ini
Opera cina siapa pelakun tidak di ketahui
Tapi ramai menuntun di peduli
Hak menjadi batil dan batil jadi hak
Mendengar segala tutur aku diam bertafakur
Rupa rupa nya zaman ini bukan masa aku lagi
Bersuara biarkan biarkan...
Kerana akan sampai hari penentuan...
Fitnah dan pembohongan itu keselamatan
Senyum senyumkan orang akan fikir itu kebenaran...
Lain nya satu penipuan.

Syed Hamid Albar
Shifaq 3 September 2015
9 malam

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Today society is so well informed be it lies or truths. Some adopt the attitude of holier than thou. Everything can become viral..we are no longer living where there is secret or confidentiality.. everything can be exposed in one way or another..the information is there before even you depart from this temporal world. Even what you did in the privacy of your home or what you discuss with another or a group can be a subject of public knowledge or viewing. The world has truly change so much with the advancement of information technology or IT. It reminded me of the film 'enemy of the state'....its quite scary. It is no longer pure fantasy. If you think that you can remain a private person better forget it. Of course worst for a public must make sure your wife and children don't share the same platform. 

How true what an English poet of the 16th and 17th century John Donne wrote, "no man is an island". There is Macbeth somewhere or there is Brutus to protect the nation. In both cases there would be spilling of the blood.. There will be corruption and there will be political matter what we call it...but what is important is to have good governance and transparency.. Disclosure..Malaysia is still a good country....eventhough we complain about democracy and freedom or currency or our economy...we are passing through tough and complex times in our history. Yet we should not forget all of us today are intensely debating on all kinds of subjects from political, economics, security and societal issues. Bersih 4 went through smoothly...whether you are ebullient protagonists or pro government or anti government we are enjoying the safety and comfort that this country and nation can offer. Its vibrant, irritating at times but we can still agree to disagree and still the best home to have. Let us be proud of it eventhough we are cynical about it and evolve a better tomorrow for our future generation.

FBSHApost@10 September 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hari ini kita hidup dalam dunia yang mencabar, kritikal dan bergolak. Kita berada di era seolah manusia sudah hilang arah dan tidak beriman. Adakah insan sudah kehilangan pegangan, prinsip dan shariat? Persoalan mengenai Tuhan di pandang ringan dan kemanusiaan diabai dan tidak dipedulikan. Justru dunia berleluasa dengan kezaliman dan keadilan tidak terlaksana serta dipinggirkan. Lantas dunia berdepan berbagai krisis tanpa penyelesaian. Pergolakan kuasa dan kepentingan berlaku di berbagai rantau. Maka terdengarlah teriakan dan tangisan yang tidak dihiraukan. Mata tidak melihat dan telinga tidak mendengar kerana wujudnya pertelingkahan dan konflik semata-mata berasaskan kepada apa yang dilaungkan sebagai kepentingan nasional ataupun national interests. National Interests menghalalkan untuk melakukan apa saja di atas alasan kuasa dan kelangsungan negara ataupun tamaddun ataupun mempertahankan kedaulatan. 

Undang-undang antarabangsa, undang-undang kemanusiaan serta kebebasan dan tanggunjawab tidak diendahkan. Masing-masing mahu menegakkan kebenaran tetapi tidak mengambil kira nilai moral dan etika. Makanya kita terlalu sibuk mengangkat ego dan melaungkan slogan. Mangsanya adalah jelata yang tidak terlibat dan tidak berdosa. Bukankah ini masanya untuk memohon kepada Allah azajawalla petunjuk dan hidayahNya dan jalan penyelesaian yang baik untuk seluruh umat? Mengapa kita semua tidak boleh bertawaduk secara peribadi, berkumpulan dan negara supaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah politik, ekonomi, keselamatan dan sosio budaya secara bersama? Diketepikan kepentingan nasional yang sempit, kepada kepentingan nasional yang berteraskan kepada keperluan material dan rohani manusia untuk memperkukuhkan kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan bagi menjamin keselamatan dan kelangsungan negara bangsa sekaligus kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan rakyat.

FBSHApost@9 September 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Sejarah adalah satu tafsiran kepada insiden atau kejadian yang telah berlaku. Justru peranan pensejarah sebagi penulis dan penafsir juga penting. Jika di biarkan orang lain menulis berkenaan sejarah politik, ekonomi dan sosio budaya negara maka mereka akan memberi tafsiran mengikut pandangan, selera dan kepentingan mereka. Ia akan membentuk persepsi dan realiti. Hari ini Malaysia dan pemerintah begitu lemah hingga membolekan persepsi yang paling buruk terhadap segala-galanya berlaku dalam negara. Penentang pemimpin dan pemeritah mendapat kredibiliti dari dalam dan luar negara. 

Apa tah lagi dengan Tun M bersama mereka. Semua tahu stature dan nama Tun M sebagai negarawan tinggi nilai nya. Saya masih teringat kata-kata hikmah Tun M Malaysia tidak boleh benarkan untuk di corakkan oleh orang atau kuasa luar. Kini seolah perkara itu di terima sebagai fenomena biasa dan masa depan dan hala tuju negara di corakkan dari luar walaupun kita tidak lihat agenda dan tangan2 ghaib ini beroperasi. Sekarang konflik dalam negara jadi pertembungan individu dan kuasa.

FBSHApost@1 September 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Menyambut Hari Merdeka ada lah satu amalan palig bermakna untuk semua rakyat Malaysia membina sebuah negara bangsa. Alhamdulillah hari itu di sambut dengan penuh bersemangat oleh semua rakyat Malaysia. Walaupun sebelum itu kumpulan lain menunjuk kan kemarahan mereka terhadap pemimpin dan kerajaan. Menegakan hak adalah satu perkara asasi manusia. Namun ia tidak patut mengatasi adab dan budaya Malaysia. Saya, oleh kerana tugas terpaksa berada di luar negara. Di negara dan tempat saya berada pada hari merdeka bukan kerana tak cukup tempat tapi Pej kon-gen telah tidak mengajak saya untuk bersama. Pada hal saya pernah berkerja dengan kerajaan setelah habis pelajaran d luar negara....lepas itu berkerja dengan bank kerajaan selama 15 tahun, lepas itu jadi ahli Parlimen selama 25 tahun, menjadi Menteri Kerajaan Malaysia dari 1990 ke 2009. Kini masih bertugas dengan badan kerajaan Spad dari 2010 hingga sekarang. Alhamdulillah dapat bintang dan anugerah dari negeri dan Persekutuan. Bertuahnya saya.. Tolak campur saya sudah berkerja untuk negara selama 49 tahun walaupun kini senior citizen. Tidak siapa boleh mempertikaikan semangat patriotik saya dan bangga menjadi orang dan rakyat Malaysia. Tahun ini saya berada d luar negeri....saya di beritahu ada di buat sambutan kemerdekaan oleh Malaysia. Heran saya mengapa tak boleh ajak saya untuk hadir bersama bukan nak jadi tetamu istimewa...ia nya tak menambahkan kos. Tapi tak pa lah saya tetap sayang negara. 

Akhirnya memang jadi amalan saya berpegang pada prinsip penyiasat tidak boleh sekaligun jadi pendakwa dan hakim. Masing2 ada peranan tersendiri bagi menegak kan keadilan.

FBSHApost@31 Ogos 2015


Never in my life I feel so sad and cry for my country.... I think we have done enough to treat a human being and leader of the country in the most base manner... In words and agree or disagree is our birth show dissatisfaction and anger is also our right but I think to insult and defame in this way will destroy not only the person but also our future... Certain segments of Malaysian society have succeeded to strip the man naked.... They have called all kinds of names against him and his team. Believe me this is not the end....even when the country have a change of leadership the same dilemma will continue. 

Look at the Merdeka parade and the ceremony. It was a wonderful and spirited performance by the participants. Patriotism was flying high. It is the best we have seen with lots of feelings though the leaders on the stage looked despondent and lost... Let us be civil and avoid creating conflicts because the costs of conflicts is too high and whatever you need to do in a civilised way but don't destroy this beautiful country and nation... I saw the flow of refugees from Myanmar, I saw the flight of people from Iraq, Syria, Africa to Europe .... treated inhumanly by some countries, women, children and old people seeking mercy and compassion. I can see and hear their cries. There have been so much much sadness and sufferings everywhere. Malaysia is beautiful,rich and enjoying peace security and stability. No one no matter how strong and powerful can escape the hands of the law...there is justice and rule of law....please allow the law to take its course. Let us be united and sort out the nation's problems....Currently our name and image internationally have tarnished and suffering negative perceptions. As a Malaysian it is high time for us to show our love for the country. Let us leave a positive and constructive legacy to our children and their children.

FBSHApost@31 Ogos 2015


Two days ago Aziah and I celebrated our 47 years wedding anniversary without any pomp and grandeur..It was just Aziah, me, Thuraya, Bedai, Sadiq, Nora, Badriah who always insisted she is special...and our youngest my grandchildren, Fakeha and Fatemah. The rest of our family could not attend for good reasons. Thuraya and I orchestrated the secret plan to organise a Tanglin Nasi Lemak breakfast anniversary..this was extraordinary because that afternoon I had to take a flight to Jeddah on OIC matters with the SG and some of his officials in the Secretariat.. it is important that we did it on the day the wedding was solemnised. Aziah is emotional and sentimental about it. She always thought I never bother or pay attention to it.. Thus the secret plan. Everything works to the dot. The bouquet arrived on the same morning and Thuraya and Bedai also added their bouquet. Nor bought Aziah's favourite carrot cake with cream topping. Wow I thought when we came down to have our breakfast Aziah would be surprised. We sat with cautious happiness. I was so happy to do a surprise on her. Withou my knowledge she actually knew when the house contractor friend Tan had broken the news to her as he was caught with the money from Nora to buy the Tanglin Nasi Lemak. Aziah kept the secret until everything was over. Again I lost to her...This Tanglin Nasi lemak had been around for a long time ...when both of us were still in school...

We recollected we were wedded just after the asar prayer and was just a small do with only close friends and relatives present. She was 17 and still in School and me 24 in my final year for the Bar exams. The plan was after the solemnisation then both of us go our seperate ways until she finished school and I qualified as a Barrister when a big ceremony would be done in KL. But not to be as she was already my legal wife. Upon completing school I insisted she joined me and our parents reluctantly agreed. They were fantastic and Allah bless their souls. So we had a big wedding without our parents in London. So this akad ceremony at 37 Jalan Abdullah Bangsar was a quiet affair with some close friends VIPs like Tun Syed Nasir, Tan Sri Senu, Uthman Ujang and Wahab Majid to fulfil the wishes of both parents. This morning we just chatted with enjoyment on what we had gone through and of course without missing debating on current affairs...It was good bonding and when it was all over...she went up to pack my luggage for my trip to Jeddah...she said this is no longer the routine she looks forward to....another milestone in our lives passed bye...

FBSHApost@30 Ogos 2015