Monday, December 21, 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Semenjak pemerintahan sendiri dalam tahun 1955 serta PRU pertama untuk memilih Majlis Perundangan dan parti pemerintah menang 51 kerusi dari 52 kerusi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Pada 31 Ogos tahun 1957 PTM diberikan kemerdekaan dan Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi sebahagian Malaysia, pada tahun 1963 negara ini diperintah oleh kerajaan yang sama Perikatan dan kemudiannya BN. Alhamdulillah ada kesinambungan untuk sekian lama.

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Hari ini saya khuatir memerhatikan dunia yang penuh dengan maklumat dan apa yang dikatakan fakta. Walaupun begitu ia tidak menceritakan kebenaran tetapi bersandarkan maklumat yang kita tidak tahu kesahihannya tetapi membuat bermacam2 andaian dan analisis terhadapnya yang selalu tidak tepat tetapi mempengaruhi pemikiran orang lain. Ramai juga dari kalangan kita termasuk mereka yang berkuasa yang tidak memahami bidang kuasa dan pembahagian kuasa. Kita cepat berkata dan hujah. Huru hara bila pandangan dan rumusan menyusahkan pihak pemerintah. Ia jadi cakapan sinis dan sendaan golongan yang sememangnya mencari bahan untuk memperkecil dan merendahkan golongan memerintah. Justeru lebih baik mendengar sebelum berkata dan menyemak sebelum bertelaah... Supaya pemimpin dan kerajaan disegani dan dihormati...

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

FBSHApost@21 December 2015 on International Conference in AMU

Recently on 17th December, I was invited to deliver a keynote address in an international Conference on Reconfiguring Interfaith and Intra-faith Understanding organised by Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). The university was founded two centuries ago by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Currently AMU has a student population of thirty thousand, mostly staying in the campus. When AMU was established it was intended to provide modern education for Muslim students in India who were pre-independent at a disadvantage. Now AMU has become one of the top two universities in India and producing good graduates for first degree, masters and PhDs. The participants were academicians, scholars, students, researchers and ulama' representing different sects and religions. The panelists consisted of Christian, Hindu, Muslim academicians and an ulama'. 

They have a deep understanding of Islam and thus the discourse by panelists and participants were lively and eloquent. Emotional at times but generally rational in putting across their points of view. In the afternoon till the evening we debated the topic entitled rebuilding the house of Islam taking into account of the current challenges faced by Islam and its Ummah. We hope we can contribute to the existing corpus of knowledge to create understanding and cooperation based on unity in diversity and multiculturalism. For me, I believe we should hold on to the Islamic saying; "seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave".

FBSHApost@21 December 2015

Sightseeing in India

India is indeed a land of contrasts...Civilizations and greatness. The Islamic and the ancient Hindu civilizations... All intermingle in the inter and intrafaiths paradox and contradictions. It has freedom as well as intolerance.. Harmony and extremism occupying the same space. Nationalism of ethnicity and religiosity..The divide and unite. Poverty and wealth living side by side. There are stories of love and romance. There is hate and violence..Every corner and small area is occupied for human beings to survive.... This is the land of the survivors where humans, animals...walk without care side by side. I see pigs scavenged for food together with the cows and buffaloes among the heap of rubbish. The agricultural products sold in abundance by the street enticing and freshening... The fertile soil housed plenty of the best agricultural products..Cuisines and spices that's satisfying for all pallets.The highways and streets have all kinds of vehicles...from bicycles, trishaws of all kinds and shapes.. Toot-toot of all sizes squeezing through the streets even to the highways they are not supposed to...all carry more passengers than they are allowed to.., cars of all kinds squeeze in and out for its destinations competing with other vehicles and humans. Indeed its a wonder. Law and lawlessness. Everyone survives and reach their destinations. Plenty of interactions and intellectualism...its fascinating and bewildering... Vibrant with eloquence and sadness... Finally amidst all these its a wonderful country and awesome in all respects...I enjoyed the discourse and participated actively in it for two solid days. I learned and experienced.. The warmth and friendliness... The care and uncaring...India .... is emerging as another superpower...

FBSHApost@21 November 2015

FBSHApost@3 December 2015

This week I had been busy with so many activities from SPAD to briefing the IHRC OF OIC on Rohingya's status n position pre and post GE in Myanmar. Then I attended a meeting of IHRA on HSR IN Tokyo. After which I took two days break to watch the changing of the colour of the Ginko leaves, before going to China to attend the 3rd AGM of APRC and participating in a forum jointly organised by APRC and the CPIFRA on the theme of ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD INITIATIVES by China or in short reviving the old silk road, maritime, road and rail links and connectivity to cover West Asia, Eurasia, Africa and Europe as well as the Indian Ocean states for what is promoted as an objective for shared prosperity, peace and cooperation of diverse nations for mutual benefits. Busy busy amidst so many problems on the PT fronts from fares to bus routes to taxis and competitions...fair or unfair. Much more needed to be done on PT on the domestic fronts. Definitely there are also many challenges and opportunities in the turmoil and uncertain international sphere.. We can console ourselves by saying these are the spices of life. Nonetheless we need to work together in harmony and unity for a better tomorrow for our children and future generation. It is satisfying to argue from the pedestal of knowledge rather than ignorance.

FBSHApost@3 December 2015


Whenever I have the opportunity to visit a foreign country or meet people from other countries, there are many things that I see and observe. People and countries are the wonders of creation. Different people, cultures, religions and colours. Added to these the landscapes, jungles, forests, mountains, hills, valleys, rivers and seas. Some have them some don't. These are the mosaics of the human world....We see the skies, clouds, rains and, gray, orange and red...the changing of the night and day..with the sun, moon, sun and stars....How awesome the varieties of creation for us to enjoy and appreciate.. we see people from different parts of the world behaving differently...some place people are polite and courteous...clean and protect their environments, they appreciate their surroundings and protect them....when they speak they are so gentle and respectful of others, they are clean in their way and conduct...everything is in place and they are apologetic if it is not and feel ashamed of it. 

With them you feel safe and the presence of humanity..I always observe people and nation who don't love their environment...they destroy everything for today's benefits and nothing to leave for tomorrow...the people are coarse and often inconsiderate....they are arrogant and failed to respect fellow human beings...they demand without giving....their language and manners don't reflect the nice cities of creation.

I suppose this distinguishes civilizations...and you learn to accept the different colors and varieties of people and living....we learn history; geography and demography...all the children of Adam and Eve sharing this temporal world....if we combine our body and spirit then we can satisfy our share this world in harmony, tranquility and peace soul and thoughts as I see the lifting of the veil of the night to the light of the morning.

FBSHApost@30 November 2015

FBSHApost@26 November 2015

Hidup ini banyak berasaskan contoh dan teladan. Justru itu bila Rasulullah S.A.W. diutus, baginda adalah seorang Insan contoh dari segala dimensi sebagai pemimpin, akhlaknya, kesabarannya, kelembutan dalam hubungannya, kelakuan dan hemahnya serta bersifat adil tiada tolok bandingnya. Oleh itu Allah menganugerah baginda sebagai rahmat di atas seluruh alam. Quran sendiri mengandungi berbagai contoh-contoh dan sejarah untuk kita teladani supaya menjadi manusia baik serta tidak sombong kerana kuasa, jawatan dan harta. Apa yang dimiliki insan itu milik Allah dan semua bersifat sementara. Lantas saya hairan bila ada di kalangan manusia yang terlalu bermegah-megah dengan kedudukannya dan suka bertanya pada orang yang melayaninya, "engkau tahu aku siapa", atau tentang siapa bos dia, dan memberitahu mengapa dia diberi tempat dan layanan istimewa. Atau mahukan orang jangan lupa tentang pangkat atau jawatannya. Bermegah tentang aku dan harta aku, maka kau perlu meletakkan aku di tempat yang layak untuk aku...marah jika dalam persepsinya layanan dan tempatnya tidak sesuai untuk jawatan, status dan hartanya. Wah wah fakir fikir hebat betul orang itu. Hormat dan mulia tidak mungkin dipaksa....tapi realitinya ramai yang lupa dan cepat mabuk dengan kedudukan dan harta. Fakir memerhati bila sedemikian jelata jadi marah dan bosan...dengan mereka yang sombong dengan kuasa, harta, jawatan atau keturunan...semoga Allah berikan taufiq dan hidayah pada orang sombong dan angkuh untuk kembali tawaduk. Aamiin.

FBSHApost@26 November 2015

FBSHApost@25 November 2015

Saya lihat dunia pincang...tiada aman tiada tenang...manusia pun ramai sudah hilang adab dan tertib...Diserata disaksikan kerakusan kuasa....kekuatan fizikal dan ketenteraan menjadi kaedah mencari penyelesaian...tiada ehsan dan tiada adil timbangnya....pembunuhan dilakukan oleh individu, kumpulan dan negara. Kesemuanya terrorisma kepada penduduk awam...tapi dendam dan balas negara dihalalkan dan yang lainnya tidak sah...Oder antarabangsa menentukan pilihan yang diwarnai double standard dan selectivity...Mangsa terbesar diolahan ini adalah agama dan umat Islam...kerana kuasa yang kuat mewarnai dunia dan media menjadi pelukis yang melahirkan rekabentuk alam. Justeru pergolakkan dasyat tidak akan berakhir selagi punca konflik dan pertikaian tidak dikaji dan dianalisa secara terperinci...keganasan individu, kumpulan dan negara akan berterusan..fakir memerhati segalanya...

FBSHApost@25 November 2015


Fakir bercerita kisah LV
Fakir kata ini kisah benar
Bukan fitnah direka manusia
Atau cemburu status nya
Fakir kabarkan dia pesuruh kepada ketua
Tapi kata fakir bila menghembur bahasa Megah sombong tidak terkira
Eh melampau dia
Kata LV kau mesti tahu ini siapa
Ternganga mulut fakir bila mendengar
Lahaula kuata illa billa
Kata fakir memaki perkara biasa
Tempatnya perkara utama
Fakir kata pesuruh itu suka menghina
Angkuhnya menyebab fakir bertanya
Mengapa kerusi hendak tinggi
Bukankah ia pesuruh saja
Fakir kata lagi cermin ketua
Akhlak mulia
Fakir tidak kenal siapa dia
Mengapa menuntut disama diri dengan ketua
Sombongnya tidak bijaksana
Hingga fakir kata orang benci ketua
Terlalu kerenah lebih dari ketua
Sedangkan baru memegang jawatan pesuruh ketua
Fakir menggeleng kepala
Ramai yang kecewa
Mungkin dia terlupa
Semuanya pinjaman sementara
Fakir harap dia bangkit dari lena
Yang berkuasa hanya jelata
Fakir kata maklum pada empunya.
Alshifaq 12.35am

FBSHApost@18 November 2015


Bangsa ku ada adab dan sopan
Tertibnya tiada bandingan
Sehingga ada menganggap kelemahan
Lemah lembutnya satu keistimewaan
Akan pupus tinggal ingatan
Cerita masa yang telah berlalu

FBSHApost@ 17 November 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

FBSHApost@7 November 2015

Sering kita merayau fikiran dan jasad yang masih gagah atau sudah merasa letih melakukan perjalanan hidup di dunia fana. Sering juga kita merayau mencari ketenangan. Sering kita biarkan fikiran kita mencari jawapan, satu penyelsaian atau rumusan tepat...ia mungkin akan ditemui dan mungkin juga tidak ketemu. Tergantung begitu saja. Bisa kita bertanya ke mana akan ku pergi lepas ini dalam dunia saban bergolak, tidak henti pertelingkahan, konflik berbagai, agama, budaya dan etnik....ada yang fikirkan apa yang dimiliki nya itu lah paling suci dan murni... Tidak mahu menerima hakikat Allah jadikan anak Adam dengan kepelbagaian...begitu juga denan haiwan dan segala kejadian alam rimba dan serangga...aneh kita berkonflik berbunuhan menzalimi tanpa kesudahan....hilang ehsan dan keadilan....fakir merenong dan termenong....semua nya akan berakhir bila kiamat nanti...di alam kekal tiada dusta dan tiada kepuraan... Segala ditentukan...masa itu sempuna dua alam syurga dan neraka.
FBSHApost@7 November 2015

FBSHApost@6 November 2015

I think national interest has overtaken whatever sense of justice and humanity that the international community has. The most important yardstick is the economic and trade relationship and gain the state can have with the institutionalised offender. Whether there is possible genocide or signs of genocide or violence or hate crimes or abuses of human rights does not matter anymore.....we hope with time Burma will change....and the process of democracy will the meantime if there are any killings or forced refugees to other countries there is a high level of tolerance that things will sort itself.. Again it is in the state's national interest to do nothing. Of course we can say there is double standard and selectivity but it does not matter anymore.

FBSHApost@6 November 2015

FBSHApost@5 November 2015

Pagi yang berkat ini ustaz memberi tafsiran kepada beberapa potong ayat yang menyentuh soal dunia dan akhirat.. Di antaranya adalah: manusia banyak memiliki hasad dengki yang mendalam dan berakar umbi dengannya. Hidup di dunia ini kita diberi kebebasan untuk memilih apa yang kita hendak...dan keadaan berubah-ubah...Sedang kan di akhirat segalanya ditentukan Allah...ustaz mengingat jika berkawan berasas kan iman ia akan di sandarkan keikhlasan sedangkan jika ia tidak ia lebih berbentuk kepentingan dan tidak kekal. Jika kita ahli syurga walaupun kita ada pertelingkahan di bumi tetapi di syurga akan menjadi saudara dan sahabat yang akrab. Ingatan pada saya.
FBSHApost@5 November 2015

FBSHApost@3 November 2015

Hidup ini penuh dengan cabaran kerana manusia yang masih berjasad dan ada roh suka memikirkan tentang dirinya...kita sering terlupa kita di jadi kan Allah untuk melakukan pengabdian kepada NYA...di suruh membaca serta memahami kejadian kita....meneroka ilmu supaya Allah meningkat kan darjat kita... Mohon jalan lurus....setiap hari supaya tidak ikut jalan orang yang memungkari Allah..paling utama mensyukuri niqmat nya supaya dapat barakah... Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum, kumpulan atau individu melainkan dia mengambil langkah untuk mengubah....kepada Allah memohon dan Dia akan berikan kepada yang ikhlas dan jujur...Aamiin.
FBSHApost@3 November 2015


Beautiful Story...

The old man was sitting in his usual place. Dhikr of Almighty Allah on his lips... but slightly pre-occupied with the loaf of bread which was going to be his sustenance for the entire day. Always the same....just one loaf of bread each day... And Sayyidina Moosa A.S. happened to be walking past.
The old man thought - "here is my chance to send a message to Almighty Allah...."
So he greeted Sayyidina Moosa A.S., and said somewhat falteringly:
"Oh Holy Man, when you speak to your Creator, can you please ask Him to increase my rizq (sustenance).... For so long now, all I have is a single loaf of bread per day.
I long for more. Can I not have more than this....? If you ask him, Oh Moosa, surely HE will answer your request and grant me more....."
Without hesitation the reply he got from Sayyidina Moosa A.S., that his request would be put to Almighty Allah.
And so it was... and the reply that Sayyidina Moosa A.S. received was that the old Man's lot in life was to receive one loaf of bread per day. That had been written for the old Man for all his life.
The next time Sayyidina Moosa A.S. saw the old man, and he passed on the message that 'one loaf of bread is all that he would receive, as it was written so, in his destiny'.
The old man was overjoyed. He clapped his hands with glee. Surprised by this reaction Sayyidina Moosa A.S. asked him the reason for his joy. The man replied, "If it is written, then so it shall be!!!! I have nothing to worry about. At least I will always receive one loaf of bread for the rest of my life......" and with that he went back to his prayers.
Now as the months passed, the man's tranquility increased with the knowledge that he need not worry about his sustenance. This enabled him to focus more on his remembrance of Allah, which led to him having less time to focus on food, and even less time to eat.
So, from eating one loaf of bread, he barely managed to eat half a loaf.
What remained of the loaf of bread every day, was put in a corner. Soon, the pile in the corner began to increase, until it became a huge heap.
One morning a herdsman was passing through the village and stopped to speak to the old man. He was looking for hay for his livestock - but there was none to be found. The old man said to him : "why don't you take the stale bread that is lying in that heap, soften it with water and give it to your animals....." The herdsman did this and his herd happily ate every last crumb. The herdsman, to show his gratitude, gave the old man a nanny goat, and went on his way.
Days passed into months and a few years had gone by when Sayyidina Moosa A.S. happened to be passing this way again. To his astonishment he found the that the spot where the old man used to sit had been transformed into a garden. There were fruit trees growing nearby, and animals grazing not very far away. There was a field with grain, and a general atmosphere of abundance and well being. Sayyidina Moosa A.S. found out that all this belonged to the same old man.
Puzzled, because he knew what was written in the old man's destiny - a single loaf of bread per day - Sayyidina Moosa A.S. went on his way determined to find out what this was all about.
"How could this be?" "A loaf a day is all that was written.........., yet he had so much more ..."
The answer when it came is something we should all take heed of:
One loaf of bread was the (RIZQ) . sustenance that had been written for the old man.
The fruit trees, the live stock and field of crops were the BARAKAH which came from the acceptance of what had been written, as his lot in life.
It was his reward for his complete trust in Almighty Allah. The Barakah (Abundance) was The result of his shift in focus from what he wanted, to enjoying what he had, to such a degree, that even after eating as much as he wanted, he still had some left. His needs had become so small.
The abundance this created in the old man's life was compounded by his generosity and willingness to share what he had.
So Rizq is written ...
But Barakah comes when we Trust in Almighty Allah, when we are generous with what we have , when we are grateful and when we put the Ibaadah & Remembrance of Almighty Allah above everything else.

May Almighty make us among His grateful, obedient and generous servants... Aameen

Soooo beautiful had to share

FBSHApost@3 November 2015


Apa yang dibelajar tentang ilmu politik dan realpolitik. Ilmu politik diisikan dengan teori dan konsep yang sering dipengaruhi oleh ideologi idealisma dan melihat kedalam kepada tabiat dan perangai manusia mahu mencari atau mempertahankan kuasa dan menuntut kepada ketaatan. Dari perspektif teorinya memang nampak indah dan cantek..kerana memberi peluang untuk memahami manusia....Namun teori serta konsep lama ini tidak terikat kepada pegangan kepada Tuhan dan tauhid..Justeru... realpolitik menterjemahkannya sebagai doktrin kekuatan dan kuasa...tiada keperluan untuk memikirkan akhlak atau sistem nilai. Lantas mereka boleh melakukan apa saja termasuk jenayah bagi mempertahankan takhta dan kuasa. Bila terlibat dengan politik sebenar maka kita dapat padankan dengan teori....ia itu kerakusan, tiada ketaatan, hanya untuk meraih keuntungan peribadi atau keluarga, pepatah Melayu kata tikam belakang, tiada soal pahala dan dosa, atau kawan dan setia...dalam pepatah orang tua-tua dikatakan habis madu sepah dibuang...susah dalam menulis contoh-contoh ini dalam pengalaman politik sebenar kerana sering yang dekat sekali menikam dan menyusuk bisanya.. Teori dan konsep ini subur dalam politik hubungan antarabangsa dan politik domestik. Selalu nya akan di rumuskan itu perkara biasa tabiaat manusia... Dunia insan berlikran dalam alam sebegitu atau sebegini...Ada masanya kita kecewa ataupun hampa...justeru perlu bersandar pada rahman dan rahim Allah...bila menempuh cabaran masam manis serta pahit maung hubungan sesama manusia.
FBSHApost@2 November 2015 


There are many things in our life that we should be thankful. ...The heaven on earth with the sky and clouds that shelter us, the sun, moon, stars that give light and life so that we can enjoy the bounty God has bestowed upon us. The rivers and seas that provide us abundance to sail and search for our living....The mountains, hills and valleys that hold the earth together...with its jungles and forests....with the diversity of its colours in accordance with its seasons...rain and snow that allow animals and humans to thrive....every living thing is given opportunities and challenges....we are permitted to take but not to destroy....we are asked to maintain balance in things we moderation and not in return we are asked to protect and fair and just... Not to harm instead to keep peace and celebrate our kind and understanding...exercise humility in our relationship....have we done honesty, sincerity and proper be a person of reason and knowledge...
FBSHApost@1 November 2015


Berbagai kata saya teringat
tarikh lahir....tarikh keputeraan
Meninggal ....mangkat
Menghadirkan diri......mencemar duli
Minta maaf....mohon ampun/keampunan
Membuat ucapan......Bertitah
Minta kebenaran.....mohon izin

Sedikit catetan di masa sang mentari terbit meninggalkan fajar...

FBSHApost@31 Oktober 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


My path and mind travel through the tunnel of life
Looking and searching for the meaning to be
Humanities of oneness and unison
Of creation and the Almighty
Mortals asking for more ...
Never satisfied
With bounties Allah provide
Peace and tranquillity
In all our diversity of religion, culture and ethnicity
Food and resources aplenty
In this beautiful world of oneness
We don't open our eyes and ears
To those who don't possess
Torn by war and conflicts
The cry and miseries of those who suffer
No homes or land to tilt their living
Poverty and hunger
My path and mind convoluted in confusion
When wealth in abundance
Why do we squander
We build on destruction
Destroy and build again
With weapons we declare peace
With deaths we sing the songs of freedom and democracy
With extremisms we celebrate willingly
We blame others for our own follies
We forget the oneness of Almighty
Calling us to live in submission
Amidst our diversities
Look at those who are continuously shifting
Maimed and feeble seeking our hearts
Souls that speak of compassion and mercy
Oh Life what would it be
Without humanity
Almighty is one in unity
Call us to share and love in oneness and diversity
With the Prophet (PBUH)
In a globe that is aplenty.
The world is an abode of temporary.

FBSHApost@30 October 2015

FBSHApost@29 October 2015

Aku suka melihat jauh ke dalam ataupun ke depan. Memikirkan bagaimana semalam telah berlalu. Hari ini muncul dengan aneka macam kemahuan, kerenah dan perubahan sebagai tuntutan dan hambatan yang akan mewarnakan hari esok. Berbagai keanehan, gurindam dan seloka mengetuk pemikiran dan pandangan kita...Ada yang jenaka berdekah kita ketawa, ada dengan kesedehan yang akan menitiskan airmata. Namun masa terus berputar tidak menunggu sesiapa pun. Pilihan pada kita untuk mengikut per...gerakan arus....maju atau mundur....atau mundur mandir...Langit cerah dengan awan putih biru...melegakan keheningan hari..,banyak coretan yang telah di reka cipta, di paparkan untuk di perhati dan renongkan. Segalanya ada pencerita dan perekanya....gundah gusar menunggu ...penuh harapan...ataupun kehampaan... Terpulang lah pada yang melihat dan memerhati menafsirkan..ada sopan dan santun nya bergantung pada akal budi masing masing. Mungkin hampir kiamat tapi masa dan ketika tidak dalam fikir dan pengtahuan mana2 makhluk walaupun terakam dalam quran dan hadis2...ilmu dari wali dan ahli sufi...berapa pincang dan kurang nya kita...ada rumah batu, ada rumah kayu dan ada rumah kaca...ada istana, villa biasa dan ponduk fakir ...semuanya berdampingan....ada cerdik, pintar dan pakar...ada yang jahil bersama menghuni satu dunia....
FBSHApost@29 October 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Statement made in the Contact Meeting of OIC as OIC Special Envoy for Myanmar

Statement made by Dr Syed Hamid Albar

OIC Special Envoy for Myanmar to the Contact Meeting on 29 September 2015               

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to OIC for inviting me to give an update of my activities as OIC Special Envoy for Myanmar.
As we know, there is a humanitarian crisis taking place nearly every day in Myanmar.
Muslim in Burma are dispersed geographically and are highly diverse in ethnicity; Rohingya in Arakan, Putonghua (Mandarin) speaking Panthay or Chinese Muslim in north-eastern Burma, Malay speaking Pashu in Kaw-thaung in southern Tenansarin, and Burmese speaking Bama Muslim or Burmese Muslim (sometimes called Pathi). The Rohingya speak a language similar to what is spoken in Chittagong region in Bangladesh, mixed with words from Urdu, Persian and others. The "traditional home land" of Rohingya, in North Arakan is the largest Muslim concentration. Today, the Rohingya population is estimated to be 3.5mil, including Rohingya diaspora of around 1.6 million.
And in fact, Rohingya in specific are the most prosecuted minority in the world. Their problem is an ethnic, religious and political prosecution to rid Arakan of the Muslim population. More than 1.6mil Rohingya were either expelled or have had to leave the country for their lives. Most of them are living in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia etc with the hope, to return to their homeland.

The reality on the ground is - xenophobia against the Muslims. There is a popular slogan in the country; "to be Burmese is to be called Buddhist".  Islam is insulted, comparing the Muslims to animal doctrines. The Rohingya are despised and called influx viruses, ugly ogres and dogs by Rakhine academics and Buddhist extremists. This is systematic racism and Islamophobia.

On July 30th this year, four Rohingya men were released for the second time under a Presidential Amnesty. For two years, Mr Ba Thar, Mr Kyaw Khin, Mr Kyaw Myint and his son Hla Myint had been in a revolving door of arrest, detention, pardon, re-arrest, re-sentence and re-pardon. All this, because they had peacefully insisted on their Rohingya identity. We hope they will not be put on a third round of arrest, detention and pardon.

In many ways, this case is symbolic of our efforts to halt the persecution of the Rohingya and other minorities in Myanmar. We have all, in our own way, suggested, begged, and even pressured, the authorities in Myanmar to restore citizenship to the Rohingya, to comply with international norms, and to allow the delivery of urgently-needed life-saving humanitarian aid. We have been successful in gaining commitments and assurances, however we have also suffered setbacks after each step forward.

Much of what I am about to raise is already known to many of you, although not everyone is willing to admit the severity of the problems we face. As OIC’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, it is my duty to raise these issues.

Since my visit to New York City last year, Myanmar has yet to fulfil key commitments. In some aspects, it has gone backwards, particularly in the context of the upcoming general elections which are scheduled on November 8.

In June, it was confirmed by the Myanmar government that 666,831 “White Card” or Temporary Registration Card holders in Rakhine state were disenfranchised. These "white card" holders, who were allowed to vote in previous elections, are now excluded, making this the first general elections in Myanmar’s history to exclude Rohingya. The “green cards” offered by the authorities have not addressed this problem.

Meanwhile, the incumbent Member of Parliament Shwe Maung, a Rohingya, has been barred from the elections. 15 out of 18 Muslim candidates of the Democracy and Human Rights Party were also disqualified. While I estimate that a million Muslim voters will be excluded from this election, I am also mindful that hundreds of thousands of voters from other minorities will also suffer the same fate. This is a grave concern to those of us who have been working to achieve a durable, political solution.

The citizenship verification process, designed to give the Rohingya and other minorities the chance to apply for a lower form of citizenship, is creeping at a slow rate. Previously, we were assured that this would be a flexible process that would bestow legal protection on most applicants; however the success rate for applicants has been less than 10 per cent. In Buthidaung township, it was 10 percent, in Myebon Township, it was only seven percent.

In 2015, the government of Myanmar fast-tracked a set of four controversial bills, known as the ‘National Race and Religion Protection’ package. The Religious Conversion Bill, the Interfaith Marriage Bill, the Monogamy Bill, and the Population Control Bill are openly racist, anti-Muslim, compromising freedom of religion, women’s rights, freedom to marry, and reproductive rights. Despite domestic and international criticism, all four bills have all been passed by the end of August, and signed into law by the President.

Myanmar has played on religious differences and exploited people’s fears to foster division. I echo the UN Special Rapporteur to Myanmar’s concern about selective use of the charge of “insulting religion.” A politician who spoke out against religious extremism was handed two years in prison with hard labour, while another politician inciting people to “kill, shoot and bury” the Rohingya has yet to experience any consequences, let alone legal action.

These challenges have not slowed down our efforts to change the situation, and to offer aid to as many people as possible. While relief and education efforts have continued for the Rohingya and Muslim displaced people in Rakhine state, we have also been reaching out to displaced communities now located in regional states such as Indonesia and Malaysia.

In April this year, we brought together representatives from the interfaith community and the human rights community in Myanmar and the region for a roundtable in Kuala Lumpur. This was an innovative effort to take an inter-sectoral approach to our work, and we are beginning to see some of these linkages take root. I have been inspired by the cooperation and coordination between women activists of the Rohingya and non-Rohingya background. These committed and capable women have held on to their solidarity despite verbal attacks and vilification.

In addition, we were able to convince several former ASEAN leaders to send an unprecedented letter to the ASEAN Summit to raise the alarm on the growing intolerance in Myanmar and the serious implications on the reform process. We worked with regional civil society to call for a review of the ASEAN's non-interference policy, which has been misused to block diplomatic interventions to address the Rohingya crisis.

The combination of these advocacy and relief efforts have helped lay the groundwork for community and government responses to the Rohingya boat crisis just weeks later, in May.

In past years, many have warned of the growing scale of the Rohingya refugee exodus, and the increased vulnerability of the Rohingya to human trafficking. This situation hit crisis level in the Andaman Sea in May of this year, with thousands of desperate children, women and men left adrift. We cannot deny the link with the Rohingya’s recent disenfranchisement, the forced collection of the ‘white cards’ and the offer of a ‘green card’ that does not give them the right to vote in the upcoming election. The barriers to livelihood, healthcare, education, the restrictions on freedom of movement and right to family life have all driven the Rohingya to desperation, to risk their lives on fragile rafts.

I am proud to note that some of the roundtable participants were able to contribute in small ways, to persuade regional governments to adopt a new approach of search-and-rescue and welcoming boat people, instead of preventing them from landing. However, this is only a stopgap measure, and I am concerned that we still urgently need to shift the Myanmar government's policies and practices. Otherwise, we will see another wave of the Rohingya boat people at sea in the upcoming sailing season, before we can even resolve the situation of boatpeople already in our care.

Recent floods severely damaged camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Rakhine State, which were never meant to last one, let alone three years. I note that unlike the disaster of Cyclone Nargis in 2007, when Myanmar refused international humanitarian operations in country, this time the government acted promptly and facilitated relief agencies’ work. This is a notable development and demonstrates that our engagement can and will bring change.

At the same time, it is undeniable that the international community has not had the influence it should. We need to be much more united and coordinated in our work, to shield ourselves from the divide-and-rule strategies that have undermined our effectiveness for years.

OIC needs to be assertive and cohesive in tackling these issues, and must work with communities to encourage reconciliation and peaceful dialogue countering the climate of fear and hatred. Furthermore, we must not compromise on the need to restore the Rohingya’s right to citizenship. This element has been flagged time and time again, yet the Rohingya remain without full citizenship and the necessary rights to guarantee safety for themselves and their families.

Conclusion and recommendations:

Some of my audience may think that I am prescribing a hard and uncompromising stance that will cause problems for ASEAN or the international community. However, it is ASEAN that has most to lose if we let the sores fester: refugees are already on the shores and more will board boats as soon as this monsoon ends. It is not only about losing face, it is also a question of building a strong and safe ASEAN community, that is of benefit to the OIC and global community. The UN and the OIC must work with ASEAN member states to resolve this human rights crisis. If not, we will find ourselves doomed to the same situation as our four Rohingya brothers mentioned earlier, stuck in a cycle of small success and big setbacks.

As such, I would like to suggest the following appropriate measures:

 Immediate term:

  1. OIC to invest and allocate humanitarian aid for the Rohingya people inside Myanmar; and
  2. OIC to cooperate with organizations that specialize in genocide prevention

  Short term:

  1. organize more international events on human rights advocacy. Human rights experts and academicians should work together in finding out amicable solutions to tackle issue of genocide and mass killings in Myanmar.
Medium term:

  1. seek channel to reconcile the existing local Rakhine community and the Rakhine living in exile.

 Long term:

  1. encourage and support the exiled Rohingya to return to Myanmar on education and talent development;
  2. provide funding and techniques to the activist inside and outside Myanmar; and
  3. intellectual discourses and academic discussions on issues related to the Rohingya community.

Finally, given the complexities of the ongoing problem in Myanmar, it is only natural that we weigh all options carefully and in a pragmatic manner to achieve a desirable outcome. On this respect, a deeper collaboration with state and non-state actors is definitely necessary.

Thank you.


Aku bingung melihat gerombolan bertelingkah
Bercakaran tidak sudah-sudah
Walaupun hidupnya bukan susah
Bebas berhujah tanpa berasa mengah
Aku hairan mengapa selalu merungut...
Sedang tidak menderita mengikat perut
Mengapa selalu cemburu habuan orang itu
Bukankah sudah ada semua yang kau perlu
Kau banding dirimu dengan lagi satu
Kebuluran kelaparan diserata bahagian
Mengangkat kedua tangan memohon ehsan
Fakir fikir kau hidup dalam kealpaan
Tidakkah kau dengar tangisan dan teriakkan
Mencari sesuapan dan air membasah bibir kekeringan
Kau senang hidup lumayan
Tidak perhati ramai mati bergelimpangan
Kematian dan pembunuhan
Keganasan dan kezaliman
Kau hidup bertimbun kesenangan
Lihat lah di sekelilingan
Pelarian mencari sempadan
Siapa dengar ....
Siapa mahu....mengharungi keseksaan
Nasib ribuan berdepan persengketaan
Mengharap kedamaian belum kesampaian
Meneroka keheningan dalam aman


FBSHApost@28 Oktober 2015

FBSHApost@ 26 Oktober 2015

Tazkirah subuh pagi tadi menceritakan berkenaan kuasa dan kehendak Allah. Apabila Allah melaknatkan syaitan kerana keingkaran nya kepada Allah bila ia sedar kesilapannya dalam membuat pilihan salah kerana ingkar kepada perintah Allah untuk sujud pada Adam dan hilang keistimewaannya untuk bergaul bersama malaikat. Syaitan minta kebenaran dari Allah dengan adab dan sopan untuk mengizinkannya menyesatkan makhluknya manusia hingga hari kiamat melainkan mereka yang kuat imannya...Allah membenarkannya. Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan orang2 yang beriman. Aamiin.

FBSHApost@25 Oktober 2015

Masa saya muda dulu saya memiliki idealisma yang amat mendalam berkenaan keadilan dan keseimbangan dalam mengendali oder antarabangsa dan urustadbir sesebuah negara ataupun organisasi. Tetapi lama kelamaan saya mula sedar manusia sering rakus, oleh itu mana mungkin dicapai aspirasi keadilan melainkan berpegang pada tali Allah.
Menceritakan tentang kesempurnaan tetapi sebenarnya tindak tanduk yang berkuasa dan kuat tidak begitu. Mereka jauh dari sempurna kerana didorong oleh nafsu, kuasa dan kekuatan. Dalam hubungan antarabangsa politik menggerakkan sistem rangka ekonomi. Dalam bentuk pentadbiran apa jua sekalipun yang berkuasa sering meletakkan syarat yang mereka yang dikehendaki supaya yang lainnya patuhi...kerana riak dan kesombongan menggunakan kuasa yang ada pada diri atau negara yang mereka wakili..
Justeru manusialah yang menyebabkan konflik di antara negara sesama negara ataupun di antara rakyat sesama rakyat dalam sesuatu negara. Ianya berlaku kerana kejumudan fikiran bila menganggap dirinya saja yang betul.
Order baru dunia yang digambarkan oleh Henry Kissinger melambangkan pertembungan diantara pengimbang kuasa dunia berasas hegemon politik, ekonomi, keselamatan, sosio-budaya, perbezaan diantara kebebasan individu dan kolektif, perdagangan bebas dan sistem ekonomi pasaran berasaskan kapitalisma yang tidak semestinya samarata.
 Manusia juga didorong oleh kemahuan pengiktirafan identitinya berasaskan kepada kaum atau agama..dalam bersaing tidak akan wujud keadilan dan keseimbangan selagi kita cuba menekankan kepada apa yang hegemon mahukan. Selagi kita tidak rujuk kepada Tuhan yang Esa, selagi itulah tidak akan wujud perasaan timbang rasa dan kesayangan bagi menegakkan keadilan dan jalan tengah yang terbaik. Realiti senantiasa berbeza dengan teori dan konsep..Persepsi membentuk pegangan dan kepercayaan ķita.

FBSHApost@25 Oktober 2015

FBSHApost@25 Oktober 2015

What's missing in the life of our nation, a country blessed with beauty, success , prosperity and peace...the feeling of being one nation and trusting each other. No country and nation is perfect....yes we have our problems and shortcomings... but then which country doesn't.
We are not facing civil war or physical conflict internally or coming from the region...though we are receiving refugees and illegals from all over the world seeking safety from oppression or just an opportunity to seek a better life. I cry for Syrians, the Palestinians and Rohingya. At this time we talk about more space for democracy and freedom. Which is good. We demand governance and transparency. But we must also act with responsibility to ensure we don't destroy the unity and peace in our euphoria for freedom. Leaders from both sides of the divide must play their roles and be examplary in their behavior and conduct. We must build this nation based on our mould and values.
We can't simply replicate the West in order to show we are modern and progressive...Man must behave like man and Ladies behave like ladies.... Each in unison to complement each other.

FBSHApost@25 Oktober 2015

FBSHApost@24 Oktober 2015

Bila kita berilmu, sopan dan tertib kita mesti menunjukkan ilmu yang ada pada kita....bila kita di panggil ulama atau seorang sufi keperibadian kita mesti melambangkan staus dan kedudukan dan status kita...bila kita orang berdarjat, kelakuan dan adab kita sepatutnya selaras dengan darjat dan kebangsawanan kita...kalau mafia atau gengster sememangnya perangainya macam gangster....
Pendek kata tindak tanduk kita, gaya, dan hubungan kita dengan orang lain akan menceritakan siapakah kita sebenarnya....itulah dipanggil insan seimbang dan adil dalam tingkah lakunya....ini mengomel dihari lebaran dihujung minggu....

FBSHApost@24 Oktober 2015

FBSHApost@24 Oktober 2015

Orang kata dunia telah berubah...manusia lebih maju, pembangunan lebih pesat.. Ilmu lebih bertambah, saling hubung lumrah pantas tiba dari satu destinasi ke destinasi lain....begitu juga kampung jadi bandar...ada bandar jadi ghetto, gaya hidup pun berubah...moral pun berubah...
adab berubah...entah ke mana...kalau masa lampau salah untuk kahwin sejenis, kini banyak negara menghalalkan...yang jijik jadi suci....penyakit pun berbagai, kalau dulu ada sopan dan tata susila, kini tidak perlu lagi....
manusia sudah berubah kerana kebebasan individu diutamakan dan kepentingan kolektif tidak penting lagi....asalkan hak kebebasan individu diutamakan....iklim pun berubah kerana perbuatan manusia,..haze ke, jerebu ke....ribut taufan ke...tsunami ataupun gempa bumi manusia tetap mengejar perubahan....politik, ekonomi dan sosio budaya...konflik dan pembunuhan berterusan, manusia moden dan generasi Y lebih komplex berbicara dan bertindak  nama hak dan kebebasan....
FBSHApost@24 Oktober 2015

FBSHApost@23 Oktober 2015

Apakah yang membezakan satu tamadun dengan tamadun lain adalah kemampuan rakyat berfikir secara matang...ada adab dan nilainya...berfikiran proaktif dan innovatif...supaya menjadi negara maju secara fizikal dan mindset...

FBSHApost@ 22 October 2015

Saya pun hairan mengapa dalam kita mengejar pemodenan mengapa manusia hilang akhlak dan hilang adab. Kita sering melihat kepada kesalahan orang dan tidak mahu melihat diri di cermin. Kita banyak prasangka dan suka membuat tuduhan dan menceritakan kekurangan orang lain seolah kita insan paling sempurna...begitulah pincangnya dunia dan manusia dewasa ini.. Saya hanya membuat pandangan bila melihat kerenah orang hari ini....yang lebih suka menfitnah dari mencari kebenaran..

Monday, October 19, 2015


Sememangnya makna Insan itu mudah lupa dan lalai. Justeru disepanjang masa perlu diingatkan....,tidak sombong tidak bongkak tidak riak..... Ini kerja penasihat dan orang sekeliling. Jangan pulak orang sekeliling tukang kipas dan api2 kan orang ini dan itu tidak bagus dan tidak baik... Maka dibenci lah si pulan dan sipulan..,, kerana dia orang berstatus dan berkedudukan tinggi semua orang ikut apa yang dia buat atau hendak...maka tersisihlah si pulan dari semua aktiviti dan majlis yang melibat kan orang besar itu...semata hendak conform dengan kehendak pembesar...,mangsa tak tahu apa kesalahan nya...saya pernah tenguk pembesar yang nampak begitu mesra dan senyum sini sana dan cakap pun nampak baik...alih2 ada orang yang dia tak suka atau benci, dia alih muka nya dan beralih ke tempat lain dan tidak mahu menghulurkan tangan nya yang sangat mahal untuk berjabat publisiti kebaikannya pun hebat... Orang yang prihatin. Bila bercakap dan nasihat pasal agama bukan main lagi....ini bukan kelakuan baik untuk individu Islam lebih2 lagi jika ia di tempat tinggi. Ada negeri kerana ada komuniti dan rakyat... Ini patut di nasihatkan oleh penasihat2 dan mereka di sekeliling. Ada masanya penasihat dan orang sekeliling lebih teruk dan sombong kerana rasa megah riak kuat dan berkuasa. Kita kena minta ampun dan bertaubat....Takut dan ingat kuasa Allah lebih besar dan tinggi dari mana2 manusia dan pemerintah...Wallahhua'lam.
FBSHApost@18 Oktober 2015


In the eyes of Allah what distinguishes one person to another is his piety and deeds, not his wealth, status and birth. This is stated in the Al Quran in order to command human to be humble and not arrogant. This is of course easier said than done and yet it has to be done. Too often we forget this command and mistreated the poor, or person of lower status due to birth or station in life. Often we address other people in the most disparaging way just because we are not in the same social circle or status. These may be our underlings or workers. We should never force or command respect from others if we don't know how to respect others in reciprocal way. We must seek forgiveness from Almighty for any shortcoming in words, conduct or behaviour. My Ustaz mentioned in his morning sermons before you preach others to do what is right you must make sure you do right first. In English the saying goes practice what you preach..
FBSHApost@17 October 2015


Terlalu banyak juara yang tidak bersaing dan bertanding pun susah. Terlalu banyak orang pandai pun susah jika mereka tidak bijaksana. Kalau ramai berani pun susah kalau hendak menunjukkan keberanian. Kalau ikut suka hati pun susah kerana akan bicara tanpa fikir...Kalau penyiasat sudah mahu jadi pendakwa dan pendakwa mahu jadi hakim pun susah. Kalau bebas undang-undang serta peraturan pun pasti susah kerana akan bertindak mengikut nafsu...jika tiada pemisahan kuasa di antara tiap cabang tiadalah siapa bertanggungjawab untuk periksa dan imbang kuasa...bila yang bukan artis dan ahli politik bersaing untuk mendapat populariti juga, itu pun makin susah...kalau kapal ramai nakhoda cuba mengemudi arah tetap susah kerana dalam perjalanan terus bertelagah dan konflik mencari arah nak tuju serta jadi kan kapal tak tentu arah sudah pasti susah. Kapal akan karam melanggar karang atau masuk ke kawasan gelombang besar dan taufan yang tidak dapat dikawal dan karam juga. Jika semua kita hendak jadi pemimpin dalam bidang dan tanggungjawab yang puan di beri kuasa pun lebih susah. Pendek kata masing2 mesti tahu tempat bukan mengikut perasaan sendiri. Yang dipanggil kesederhanaan, jalan tengah dan keadilan itulah patut jadi panduan. Dewasa ini terlalu banyak hujah dan hakim membuat keputusan sebelum kes di entang...dan pengadilan berlaku sebelum habis hujah kes oleh yang bukan pendakwa ataupun hakim..Ada media dan ada kebebasan...kalau media primer tidak mahu siarkan ada yang lain akan siarkan samada dari dalam atau dari luar sosial sudah jadi yang utama...yang diamanahkan tiada kesetiaan pada amanah atau patoh pada undang2 dan peraturan di atas nama kebenaran. Yang putar2 dan pening2 dan bercelaru rakyat. Terlalu ramai juara yang hendak selamatkan rakyat dan menegakkan kebenaran. Yang akan menyebabkan rakyat dan negara karam. Yang benar tetap benar....yang salah akan terserlah..
FBSHApost@16 Oktober 2015


I think people are becoming less and less loyal to a cause or to a struggle. It looks as if we are more and more concerned in our ambition or short term objectives. In sum it looks as if we are more concerned with what we have decided rather than looking at the overall effects or outcomes on the nation...That's why we see more and more people talk about humanity but less and less care about humanity... Today we have fifty million refugees all over the world and we have more people living in poverty and hunger. A lot of rich countries and still plenty of space to accommodate people yet we are unwilling to change the demography of our individual country. Often we are selfish... We have many conferences and seminars held in expensive places. We shed our tears and express our sympathies but the problems are going to go on as we are not taking actions against those responsible for creating the conditions... No love and forgiveness....

FBSHApost@15 Oktober 2015


Banyak sangat maklumat.
Fikiran tersumbat
Semua dikatakan benar
Aku cuma dengar
Tiap satu fakta dihamparkan...

Masukan berterusan
Tapi versi nya tidak serupa
Sedangnya di atas tajuk sama
Apakah aku dipersenda
Inikah sandiwara
Penulis layar perak pakar
Fikir ku terus berputar
Lantas siapa patut ku tanya
Seluruh bicara sama
Tiada jawapan yang muktabar
Perawi mana boleh ku percaya
Ia tidak Alquran dan hadith sohih
Cerita samar dan berjerebu
Yang dicari tidak bisa ketemu
Hidup ini terus keliru
Sering disalah pada zaman
Fitnah dan pembohongan
Aku berada di ufuk kekaburan
Sebagai Insan mencari kebenaran
Mungkin satu hari akan di ketemukan
Terus kan saja di simpang siur perjalanan
Meneroka dan merintas satu kehidupan

19hb Oktober
Bermula pukul 7.15 pagi
Hingga lah 7.41 pagi
Setelah selesai subuh.

FBSHApost@19 Oktober 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015


          Saya tertarik bila kita bincangkan hal politik dan kaitkannya dengan hukuman ataupun syariat yang ditetapkan Allah. Khuatirnya kita ialah bila kita tidak mendalam dalam ilmu Al-Quran dan Sunnah...kita menggunakan sumber yang tidak sohih atau muktabar dalam menafsirkan sifat-sifat Allah.
          Ada sifat-sifatnya hanya boleh dipakai Allah saja. Jangan manusia cuba bercakap macam Allah. Saya berhujah secara umum kerana saya bukan seorang ulama. Maafkan kalau tersilap dan mohon keampunan dari Allah...Wallahhua'lam.
FBSHApost@15 October 2015


Kita keliru fikiran bercelaru
Kemana arah sudah tidak tahu
Ramai mahu bisu
Bicara apa pun hati beku
Kekok dan kaku...
Badan rasa lesu
Terasa tidak menentu
Fakir ilmu jahil namanya
Walau dilihat macam maju
Nilai diukur ikut parameter nafsu
Bijak berkata menutup mata
Telinga tersumbat kapas
Hanya degupan jantung
Tanda roh masih di jasad
Terdengar nafas berbunyi
Hidup lagi si fakir ini
Fakir takut kembali miskin
Tiada hati dan jiwa murni...
Semuanya sudah berubah
Hanya tunggu rebah
Tercatit dalam sejarah

Al Shifaq
9.50 malam.

FBSHApost@14 October 2015


Bermulanya saya kenal Kota Tinggi semasa berumur lima belas tahun...pada tahun 1959.

          Tahun mula-mula Almarhum ayahanda saya bertanding sebagai Ahli Parlimen Johor Tenggara. Masa itu banyak hutan rimba dan binatang liar. Ia juga kawasan hitam. Selepas itu kawasan bertukar nama jadi Panti. Selepas Panti bertukar menjadi Kota Tinggi srhingga ayahanda saya meninggal dunia pada bulan Januari 1977, bertukarlah ahli Parlimen dari Saadon Noh kepada Yusof Malim Kuning Musa Hitam dan akhirnya saya pada tahun 1990 hinggalah 2013.
          Agak lama jus dan ikut penggal lima penggal dan berjawatan Menteri pun lima penggal walaupun tidak abis penggalnya. Saya pun tidak sangka akan bertanding di Kota kerana mula-mulanya pada tahun 1986 saya ditawarkan untuk bertanding di Sg Benut. Dari kawasan itu tidak ada Felda sampailah ada Felda. Kerana lamanya berada di tempat yang sama sehingga ada yang saya kenal semasa remaja dan ada saya kenal kerana hubungan ayah-ayah dan ibu kita.
           Sebelum kota kita tinggal di JB. Begitulah putaran hidup. Ada yang telah pergi untuk selamanya dan ada kawan yang meninggalkan kita semasa hidup. Ini lumrah. Saya ingat Ketua Bahagian UMNO kota yang paling lama ialah saya dan Ismail Saadon....Sekarang saya hanya mengimbas sejarah dan pengalaman dan nostalgia serta berpuas hati saya dapat berkhidmat. Semoga Allah redhai perjuangan dan khidmat.
          Menulis ni pun saya memikirkan aneh dan pelik perjalanan dan laluan hidup. Ada masa berjerebu dan ada masanya dinaungi awan puteh dan biru....he ...he...
FBSHApost@14 October 2015